Angela Feb 5, 2012 (edited Feb 26, 2012)
Has anyone listened to the music for Soul Calibur V yet? After the bland showcasing that was Soul Calibur IV, I set my expectations significantly low. I think this tempered expectancy is part of what caused me such surprise, because SCV is good. Like, really, really good.
The gamble to outsource the score seems to have paid off in spades. The much touted addition of international composers, allowing series vet Junichi Nakatsuru to step down and take on more of a supervisory role, along with the Eminence Symphony Orchestra's greater involvement and new inclusion of the Symphonic Choir, all add up to a fresh yet indelibly familiar take on a musical series that's been growing decidedly stale. (A stagnancy which also extends to offshoots like Broken Destiny and Legends.)
Compositions are strong, with each composer ably claiming at least one or more soundtrack highlights. For me, these include Cris Velasco's Till Fate Writes My Epitaph (Siegfried), Hiroki Kikuta's Wings of Sorrow (Pyrrha) and A High-Spirited Tiger (Xiba), and Inon Zur's Daybreaker (Hilde), Sword of Resolution (Patroklos), and Mischievous Whispers (Tira). It's Andrew Aversa's Sleepless: An Untamed Beast (Z.W.E.I.), though, that's easily my most favorite; a terrific encapsulation of the dynamic, orchestra-driven elegance the 'Soul' musical series is known for.
I'm still absorbing the soundtrack, but so far, Soul Calibur V trumps Soul Calibur IV by a country mile. It just may come on par with Soul Calibur III as being my favorite in the series, too.