Qui-Gon Joe Mar 23, 2006
Neat. If this causes some of the never-translated PC Engine games to show up in English for the first time, I'll be in heaven.
Neat. If this causes some of the never-translated PC Engine games to show up in English for the first time, I'll be in heaven.
Immediately upon learning this news, the first thing everyone I know and every forum I frequent has said is "maybe we'll finally get Rondo of Blood!" Myself included.
I sort of anticipated Sega games, but the Turbo Grafx support is a welcome surprise.
Immediately upon learning this news, the first thing everyone I know and every forum I frequent has said is "maybe we'll finally get Rondo of Blood!" Myself included.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that Rondo of Blood was only available for the PCE SCD. Assuming that the disc is mostly filled with the music tracks, doesn't this severely reduce the likelihood of it being offered as a download? And yes, I realize that Microsoft is offering demo downloads in excess of several hundred MBs, but the X360 has a hard drive where the Revolution only uses SD cards.
POPOBOT5000 wrote:Immediately upon learning this news, the first thing everyone I know and every forum I frequent has said is "maybe we'll finally get Rondo of Blood!" Myself included.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that Rondo of Blood was only available for the PCE SCD. Assuming that the disc is mostly filled with the music tracks, doesn't this severely reduce the likelihood of it being offered as a download? And yes, I realize that Microsoft is offering demo downloads in excess of several hundred MBs, but the X360 has a hard drive where the Revolution only uses SD cards.
Well, there's always the thought of having it work like Sega CD emulators, where it's just an ISO of the data track(s) and then mp3s of the audio tracks. That can cut out quite a few hundred MB.
'course, that'll never happen.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that Rondo of Blood was only available for the PCE SCD. Assuming that the disc is mostly filled with the music tracks, doesn't this severely reduce the likelihood of it being offered as a download? And yes, I realize that Microsoft is offering demo downloads in excess of several hundred MBs, but the X360 has a hard drive where the Revolution only uses SD cards.
Maybe the audio files originally on the CD could be converted to something smaller the Revolution could handle. Too bad we'd probably only see the SNES version of Dracula X anyway, considering the territorial status of the game. In general, most of the better PC Engine games I've seen and heard of were CD games, so I'd hope they take take that into consideration.
Interesting news though...Guess Nintendo's figuring out ways around any potential lack of 3rd-party support. Going retro and distributing ROM's like that should be pure profit, even at something like $2-$5 per game (isn't $5 Nintendo's cut on new third party games that sell?) Of course, people who already know about emulation and have the means to use it on their computers won't find it so attractive, but there's probably a lot of folks that don't.
Edit: Dais beat me to it, but I was thinking more of a smaller platform-specific format than mp3 (ala .SPC) when I said that, since SD cards are fairly puny and I think they top out at 128 MB.
Shh, you'll dissipate my wishful thinking bubble!
You have a point, but IMO only if the Revolution doesn't have a hard drive. I am not up and up on the latest Revolution tidbits, but a spot check indicates that 512MB is all it'll have on-board. One supposes that they could offer the download with compressed music, making it much more feasible. Really, when you refer to the "best" Turbo Grafx games, what comes to most people's minds?
Edit: Dais beat me to it, but I was thinking more of a smaller platform-specific format than mp3 (ala .SPC) when I said that, since SD cards are fairly puny and I think they top out at 128 MB.
Yeah, the music compression idea makes sense, but it would require some reprogramming and you'd have to wonder if they'd exert the effort.
As for the Revolution's storage capacities, it will have 512 MB onboard Flash ROM and be able to connect SD cards. I don't know if they're actually out on the market yet, and I certainly wouldn't dare guess at a price, but I do know that SD cards will be up to 8 GB soon.
Are SD cards the same thing Sony uses on the PSP?
No. "Sony" is Japanese for "Proprietary Format". Sony uses the Sony-developed Memory Sticks in the PSP. Similar in concept to SD cards, but incompatible.
yes it will use sd cards, the ones we all have in our gamepark32s and gp2xs ^_~
Oops...I was thinking of SMC cards (the only ones Gamepark 32 used...GP32X uses SD cards). Good news though, since they're fairly common and cheap, provided you don't want an enormous amount of storage...They seem to go up exponentially in price. I wouldn't even want to see what an 8 GB one would go for...2 GB ones are pricy enough.
No. "Sony" is Japanese for "Proprietary Format". Sony uses the Sony-developed Memory Sticks in the PSP. Similar in concept to SD cards, but incompatible.
Just to clarify, the PSP uses Memory Stick Duos and Pro Duos (faster version of Duo), not regular Memory Sticks. These will also soon reach 8 GB in size.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that Rondo of Blood was only available for the PCE SCD. Assuming that the disc is mostly filled with the music tracks, doesn't this severely reduce the likelihood of it being offered as a download?
According to Magic Box:
- Follow-up with yesterday's announcement of supporting PC-Engine/Turbografx and Genesis game software via virtual console on Revolution, Nintendo confirmed that PC-Engine/Turobgrafx CD-ROM2 games will be supported, but no confirmation on Mega-CD/Sega-CD games yet.
No source given, and I haven't seen that bit of news anywhere else yet, but would be great if true.
Edited to add: Impress Game Watch and other Japanese sources seem to be confirming that PC Engine CD-ROM2 games will be available:
http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/doc … 4/nkey.htm
Is anyone familiar with the differences between CD-ROM2 and Super CD-ROM2? From what I've read, the only difference seems to be system RAM size, so I'm assuming Super CD-ROM2 games will be supported if CD-ROM2 games are.
Just to clarify, the PSP uses Memory Stick Duos and Pro Duos (faster version of Duo), not regular Memory Sticks. These will also soon reach 8 GB in size.
And $500 in price?
Anyway, I approve of this Sega/Turbo thing, not just for Rondo, but for the far more likely oppurtunity to try Ys Book I & II. Woohoo, I say.
The confirmed TG-16 CDs too. WHich means not only Romdo and Ys possibly but a lot of other goodies.
Even cards is good though -- possibly the first legal chance USers can play a Parodius game (even if it's just Da)
Edited to add: Impress Game Watch and other Japanese sources seem to be confirming that PC Engine CD-ROM2 games will be available:
Good. I hope it comes true.
So far, this is the only news about the Revolution that actually gets me semi-interested in this console at all!