Qui-Gon Joe wrote:I still want a track list for SO3 that combines the albums into chronological order. I'd like it as a listen a lot better that way, I think.
I actually tried that, largely based on the track order in SO3's sound test. Well, it took some creative wrangling, as the guide to the sound test I read was written before the Director's Cut came out. (Not to mention that I'm handicapped by not having even played the game yet.)
This was my jumping-off point:
And here's what I did next. (NOTE: I don't have my tracklist in front of me, so I'm going by memory.)
1. The two versions of "The Little Bird That Forgot How To Fly" were moved. I think the regular version would go after "Gaiety Company", and the instrumental one...I think can fit in front of "Brilliant Future"...?
2. On that note, the jazzy "Star Ocean Forever" moves to the very end, after "The True Nature Of All", and where the "Little Bird" tracks were. For some reason, the resulting pairing of "Brilliant Future" and "Mission To The Deep Space" just works for me.
3. I moved "Starless Wavelets" before "Cutting Edge Of Notion", to provide a less jarring transition.
4. Needless to say, the three versions of "So Alone, Be Sorrow" were spread out. 
5. I put all the regular DC tracks right after "Powerbroker", which is probably QUITE incorrect, but I had to do SOMETHING.
6. I also made the decision to exclude the band-version tunes and piano solo from the DC OST, as I'm not sure they're part of the DC game's sound test or not. Same with the extra versions of "Brass Wings" and "Moody Goddess".
I think there were more, too, but you get the idea.
Anyway, it DOES seem a lot more fun in this layout, not to mention schizophrenic. Going from the tranquil "Till The End Of Time" to the ferocious rock of "Expiration" is a trip. 
And get this...the resulting order will fit nicely on three CDs. That's right, only three. Tsk tsk, Team Entertainment.