Ashley Winchester Jul 1, 2008
I was wondering, is there any diffence in sound quality from the original prints of Tri-ace game soundtracks (VP, SO2) from the PSP oriented re-issues?
I was wondering, is there any diffence in sound quality from the original prints of Tri-ace game soundtracks (VP, SO2) from the PSP oriented re-issues?
I don't know about the VP reprint, but I believe the SO2 reprint is identical.
VP is definitely remastered. It's not a major difference but quite noticeable. Star Ocean 2 isn't any different as far as I can tell aside the vocal song and DVD. Star Ocean is just a glorified reprint of the Team Entertainment soundtrack.
VP is definitely remastered. It's not a major difference but quite noticeable.
In a slightly negative way or a slightly positive way? I ask since I'm still smarting from my purchase of the Vagrant Story reissue.
Star Ocean is just a glorified reprint of the Team Entertainment soundtrack.
Besides the J-Pop piece three more tracks were added in the PSP version of the OST: Come on Bunny, Mission to the Deep Space (both reprises from SO2) and Mother Ocean ("new" staff roll music).
I think the only thing that makes the reissues worthwhile is that the First Smile prints are so hard to find these days, seeing as FS went out of business ... 6 years ago, was it?
I might pick up the SO2 OST reissue just because I love that OST so darn much.
PS - the Star Ocean: Second Evolution Arrange Album ... any differences there?
Chris wrote:Star Ocean is just a glorified reprint of the Team Entertainment soundtrack.
Besides the J-Pop piece three more tracks were added in the PSP version of the OST: Come on Bunny, Mission to the Deep Space (both reprises from SO2) and Mother Ocean ("new" staff roll music).
Yeah, that's what I meant by glorified. Nothing really new was added just tracks from Star Ocean 2 and that staff roll music that should have appeared before.
As for Star Ocean 2's arranged album, this is another straight reprint. Kind of weird Team Entertainment reprinted this whereas Square Enix reprinted the Team Entertainment soundtracks. >_>
It's not a major difference but quite noticeable.
I still think that this demands further explanation.
I actually didn't see your post the first time as I often just jump to the latest post and didn't recheck the thread the first time. I wasn't blowing you off and usually respond promptly to things I read as most that know me will probably verify. I'm still a fairly casual visitor here so I probably only see 30% to 40% of the posts and only often recheck the more heated threads. It's kind of a relief you're mainly pissed off with me for this reason and I'm sorry for my unintentional ignorance.
Anyway, about Valkyrie Profile remastering, it's controversial. I remember a thread either here or at GFF when it came out and everyone said it was atrocious and there was tonnes of balance problems. However, I remember more recently at SEMO, quite a few people including KujaFFman said they found it gave tracks more definition. I haven't formed a firm opinion myself but I can upload the first ten tracks or so from the album if you'd like to sample it.
It's kind of a relief you're mainly pissed off with me for this reason and I'm sorry for my unintentional ignorance.
Well, I wasn't sure what your intentions were, but think nothing more of what I said before. I'm sure you can see why I found your comment a bit strange. "Not a major difference but quite noticeable" sounds like something resembling a contradiction.
I haven't formed a firm opinion myself but I can upload the first ten tracks or so from the album if you'd like to sample it.
Sure, that would be swell.
Anyway, about Valkyrie Profile remastering, it's controversial. I remember a thread either here or at GFF when it came out and everyone said it was atrocious and there was tonnes of balance problems. However, I remember more recently at SEMO, quite a few people including KujaFFman said they found it gave tracks more definition.
Isn't that my opinion about Vagrant Story, and not Valkyrie Profile? I didn't hear much difference in VP, actually.
Here are the samples. Some tracks are quite different to the originals while others have more subtle changes so it's probably best listening to them all.
Yeah, I remember the Vagrant Story one being even more controversial, but I must have got some of the conversations about the two confused. I'm still not fond of Vagrant Story's, but I find Valkyrie Profile's has its merits even if I still think they could have done a better job.