Wow, my kind of thread, lol...But all the easy ones have been said. That style isn't too prevalent in VGM anymore, unfortunately.
It's rare, but have a look for the Double Dragon II Arrange album. Very distinctly 80's synth rock there. Ditto for Xexex Perfect Selection, Growlanser II OST (really an arrange album) and All Over Xanadu.
If you don't mind the NES synth, check out the Rockman 1-6 OST's, as well as 9. I always said Falcom music sounded like the composers for classic Rockman/Megaman doing RPG music.
Outside of VGM, have a look at Rush's material in the 80's (from Moving Pictures to Presto, I believe). I might be off base with this one, but the way they used the synths and guitars for their 80's material (combined with killer drum/guitar work) always resembles classic Falcom to me. Oh, and Power Quest, Stratovarius and Axxis...I knew and obsessed over Falcom before them and I took to these power metal bands like ants to a sugar cube.