allyourbaseare Nov 6, 2008 (edited Nov 6, 2008)
Right now there is literally one game that could tear me away from Lost Odyssey (until the update, that is) and that is the aforementioned Valkyria Chronicles. It's got everything!!
- Tactical-RPG goodness? Check.
- Lush enviroments? Check.
- Entrancing musical score? Double check.
Hitoshi Sakimoto has done no wrong since I started really getting into his stuff, and this is no different. I can't wait until an official soundtrack is released.
I'm up to chapter two (with one game over!!... F***ING tanks) and so far it's been quite enjoyable. The turn-based strategy is very easy to pick up and isn't overly difficult. The enemies AI is that nice level between "Can i haz gun?" and "OMGWTFBBQ!!" Even if you do get hit/killed, it doesn't feel cheap. It's almost like this is the game Battalion Wars should have been.
Did I mention that the game is absolutely gorgeous? You can tell in the screenshots that it looks pretty but once you've got it up on your HDTV, it's a completely different experience. The Canvas engine is a remarkable achievement on Sega's behalf and I do hope that they use it in future games. It'd be a shame to let it fall by the wayside.
Hopefully my daughter (2 & 9 months) will like this one. Actually, she might be a little disappointed I'm not playing LO anymore!! She loved the battles!