the_miker Apr 2, 2008
This is a first, no? Looks like our man Hitoshi Sakimoto is doing the music for an upcoming Sega gm called Valkyria Chronicles. It's an action RPG for the PS3 and from the videos I've seen it looks like it could be a fairly decent gm. I like what they're doing with the visual style at least, trying to be a little different. But what we're all here for is the music and from what's available in these preview videos it looks to be another winner from Sakimoto. Not sure if any of the Basiscape crew are co-composing but the man himself is confirmed.
Trailers/videos: http://www.gmtrailers.com/gm/5515.html or http://www.youtube.com/results?search_q … rch=Search
Official site: http://valkyria.jp/
OST info at GMR (thanks PV!): http://www.gmronline.com/info.asp?CatNumber=SVWC-7550~1