Zane Nov 12, 2008
Well, that's up for debate, but the music on the site sure sounds like Sakimoto to me. Anyone have any thoughts on who the mystery man/woman is behind this theme?
Well, that's up for debate, but the music on the site sure sounds like Sakimoto to me. Anyone have any thoughts on who the mystery man/woman is behind this theme?
Had no idea you could trademark a deity.
Honestly, it doesn't sound like Sakimoto to me at all.
Even Mitsuda's recent orchestral side is closer than him (I mean, Armodyne and Xenosaga surely sound like this) and the initial section reminds me of FFIV and Naoshi Mizuta for some reason.
I got all excited... thought maybe Masashi Hamauzu would be the mystery composer, but alas no.
If I could throw out a couple of guesses (that intro song really picks up towards the end there!), it might be Kumi Tanioka or even Kenji Ito. Though I'm leaning towards the former.
It does sound a little like Sakimoto. I couldn't give it a real good listen because I'm at work right now but when I get home I'll really blast it and I should be able to tell. With all the Valkyria Chronicles playing I'm doing lately, my ear is very trained to pick out Sakimoto's tunes.
By the way, allyourbaseare, nice new icon.
I actually just looked at the link. That is some bitchin', bitchin' artwork.
Had no idea you could trademark a deity.
You kidding, Square-Enix would copyright the air you breathe if they could.
Idolores wrote:Had no idea you could trademark a deity.
You kidding, Square-Enix would copyright the air you breathe if they could.
Maybe attach spikey hair and ridiculous weapons while they're at it.
It sounds a little like Sakimoto at the beginning... and then it goes in a different direction. I'm actually not sure who wrote it (although it's pretty good!).
All right, all right. Does anyone have any info on the game itself? Google and Wiki turn up completely dry.
Listened to it and that's definitely not Sakimoto. Doesn't sound like something Kenji Ito would do either so I'm gonna go with either Kumi Tanioka or that Ishimoto dude. Or even Naoshi Mizuta if he's still around and unchained from his FFXI duties.
All right, all right. Does anyone have any info on the game itself? Google and Wiki turn up completely dry.
I think that's what the countdown is for.
Ashley Winchester wrote:Idolores wrote:Had no idea you could trademark a deity.
You kidding, Square-Enix would copyright the air you breathe if they could.
Maybe attach spikey hair and ridiculous weapons while they're at it.
Well said!
My guess is Hidenori Iwasaki given the militaristic timbres and melodic build-ups like his Front Mission work. Alternatively, Tsuyoshi Sekito given the ostinato-based approach is quite a bit like his Dawn of Mana and Last Remnant work. I think the former is more likely simply because Sekito is working of two other projects at the moment, but maybe development just started.
The artwork below the counter is such an obvious Colossus ripoff, it looks like Squenix wants some kind of "Summons vs Colossus" grudge-match smackdown.
The artwork below the counter is such an obvious Colossus ripoff, it looks like Squenix wants some kind of "Summons vs Colossus" grudge-match smackdown.
I was expecting someone to say that. All due respect, knock-off or not, it's still nice artwork. Kinda makes me wonder what this is all about.
My initial impression was that this had some kind of relation to Bahamut Lagoon, but I would imagine someone would've recognized any elements from that drawing already and would've said something.
The plot thickens . . .
All due respect, knock-off or not, it's still nice artwork. Kinda makes me wonder what this is all about.
I'm the same way. It's nice to see SQEX coming up with so many new IP's lately. Almost like they've rekindled the fire.
Idolores wrote:All due respect, knock-off or not, it's still nice artwork. Kinda makes me wonder what this is all about.
I'm the same way. It's nice to see SQEX coming up with so many new IP's lately. Almost like they've rekindled the fire.
I remember the days when everything Square (and Enix) touched turned to gold.
allyourbaseare wrote:Idolores wrote:All due respect, knock-off or not, it's still nice artwork. Kinda makes me wonder what this is all about.
I'm the same way. It's nice to see SQEX coming up with so many new IP's lately. Almost like they've rekindled the fire.
I remember the days when everything Square (and Enix) touched turned to gold.
I do too, I honestly don't see that happening again even with all these new IP's. Nowadays a lot of SE's products just seem so soulless despite how pretty they may be.
Of course, this coming from a guy who's playing SaGa Frontier right now, so I wouldn't expect anyone to take my ramblings too seriously.
How does a Bahamut (old Square IP) and a knockoff Colossus (other people's IP) equal a NEW IP?
How does a Bahamut (old Square IP) and a knockoff Colossus (other people's IP) equal a NEW IP?
Now hol' on, mister. We don't even know the utility of that big ol' guy. Jes' 'cause he looks like a damn colossus don't mean shit. You ain't gone tell a guy wearing blue jeans that he's rippin' off the style of some other guy with jeans, right?
Probably the same way that combining Final Fantasy and Disney made for a "new" IP.
While I can understand people being jaded after so much of the same crap, at least they're trying. Sheesh.
One piece of art =/= Shadow of the Colossus rip off. Please.
EDIT: It's been discovered.
I'm not making claims about how the in-game experience will play out.
They supplied a Bahamut and a Colossus, so it's not a huge stretch to say they are exploiting the popularity of someone else's Game Character, I didn't have to imagine anything, it's right there.
(They ripped off the Character, not the gameplay)
So wait a second... any artwork that combines stonework and fur is now a Colossus ripoff? The things used for the frothing Square hate around here are such a stretch nowadays. Maybe the art style is similar (especially the way the formations wrap around its right arm), but I'm seeing more of an entire world built onto a creature as opposed to the kind of things in SotC. Personally I think it's a pretty cool piece of artwork. That said, if it's really a sequel to Bahamut Lagoon, count me out. Pretty to look at, though.
Oh, as for the music... it sounds familiar... like it's somebody that I SHOULD recognize but am not. I guess we'll see!
(by the way, did you guys see the confirmation that it's a DS game?)
Strange...when I saw the "walking castle", I wasn't thinking "Colossus". I was thinking "Alexander". Yeah, the classic Summon.
...am I old?
...any artwork that combines stonework and fur is now a Colossus ripoff??
Ask yourself this, would Square have designed that exact same monster all by themselves if SoTC had never existed?
I say there's no way the SE Staffers would have come up with that style of monster image without SoTC firmly establishing that visual theme/motif first.
Your mind may vary, but the very first thought that flashed in my head when I viewed that artwork was "oh it's a colossus", so when my brain makes an immediate visual association, that's strong enough grounds to personally claim that for me it's a YES. Your brain may vary.
For Alexander, he looked more like a Holy Cathedral with flying buttresses.
My bet would be either Iwasaki or Shimomura.. in any case this track rocks!
Anyone visited the launched site?
Today is the last day of your obssessions with ascribing whatever you think is generic orchestral music to Sakimoto anyways. The SotC rip off arguments is even more productive, and indeed, valid.
The SotC rip off arguments is even more productive, and indeed, valid.
Yeah, some parts will remind us all of SoTC, but oh well. I'm interested in seeing SQEX's take on that game.
The 2D sprites remind me alot of SaGa Frontier and it looks like the battles are in real time. I'm way excited for this one!
After watching the video I'd have to retract my statement and say that the music probably isn't Sakimoto - at least the trailer music isn't. The video definitely reminds me of SotC, though. I mean, the dude even walks onto the Colos... uh, Bahamut?
Yeah, okay, so the trailer makes it look a lot more like a Wanda ripoff. Still no idea on the composer, though.
so now I'm right all a sudden? everyone dropped their pitchforks just as fast as they had grabbed them...
It's not just you, Carl. My first response to seeing the art was: "Why does that remind me of a colossus from SotC?" Several other people on GameFAQs also had the same initial reaction. Of course, seeing how that arm fell off really gave me SotC vibes - mmm...Colossus #2, perhaps? Dude lost his arm, too.
The color palette and textures are definitely not coincidental. Not when SotC came out years before this one and hit it big, too.