Adam Corn Mar 25, 2009 (edited Mar 28, 2009)
After carefully browsing VGMdb I'm still a little confused by the array of Dragon Quest symphonic albums out there, and I'd like you the lovely forum members' help in getting it sorted.
I want to focus on complete albums performed by a full orchestra (none of the string or brass ensembles for now). I'll list the performances (no reprints) by game in chronological as I know them, and if there are any omissions please fill them in!
The album titles for each performance are all "Dragon Quest ** Symphonic Suite" or some variation of that unless otherwise specified.
Dragon Quest I
1994 London Philharmonic
2007 Tokyo Metropolitan
Dragon Quest II
1994 London Philharmonic
2005 Tokyo Metropolitan
Dragon Quest III
1988 NHK
1996 London Philharmonic
2005 Tokyo Metropolitan
Dragon Quest IV
1990 NHK
1991 London Philharmonic
2000 London Philharmonic (new performance)
2002 Kanagawa Philharmonic (Dragon Quest IV Concert Live in 2002)
2005 Tokyo Metropolitan
Dragon Quest V
1992 NHK
2000 London Philharmonic
2004 Tokyo Metropolitan
Dragon Quest VI
1995 London Philharmonic
2006 Tokyo Metropolitan
Dragon Quest VII
2000 London Philharmonic
2006 Tokyo Metropolitan
Dragon Quest VIII
2005 Tokyo Metropolitan
Best Collections (new performances)
1988 NHK Family Classics (Dragon Quest Live Concert - Family Classic Concert 2)
1994 Tokyo Symphony (Dragon Quest Symphonic Suite - Live Best)
1996 Kanagawa Philharmonic (Dragon Quest Legend)
The VGMdb entry for the 2000 DQIV Symphonic Suite (SVWC-7064) implies that this was a different performance by the London Philharmonic than their 1991 one. Is this the case? (Edit: Yes, it is!)