Jay Dec 10, 2014
Next up: Theatrhythm Dragon Quest. Must admit I haven't played a single game in the series so this one won't be for me but I like that they are branching out to other games.
Next up: Theatrhythm Dragon Quest. Must admit I haven't played a single game in the series so this one won't be for me but I like that they are branching out to other games.
Next up: Theatrhythm Dragon Quest. Must admit I haven't played a single game in the series so this one won't be for me but I like that they are branching out to other games.
Can't say I didn't see this coming, but like yourself, I'm not too familiar with DQ music, so I'm not sure if I'll jump on board right away. I'll probably get it eventually though, just to support the series.
It'll be interesting to see what kind of modes they include as well.
Dragon Quest music probably won't fit a game like this quite as well as Final Fantasy music does, but I'm still interested in this.
There is a trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=549RPbmCEs4
Looks very similar of course but a few small interesting changes, such as a first person view for the battle songs and the fact that four members are visible on the FMS stages.