Qui-Gon Joe May 15, 2009
Sounds like they're giving us Felghana-style arrangements, and To Make the End of Battle sounds FANTASTIC.
Sounds like they're giving us Felghana-style arrangements, and To Make the End of Battle sounds FANTASTIC.
define "fantastic", because waffling between guitars and violin has never done much for me.
Wow, and people accuse Squenix of milking their franchises...
Wow, and people accuse Squenix of milking their franchises...
Moo? Moo moo, moo moo moo moo moo moo! MOO!
(sorry, been playing Diablo II)
Nice trailer.
Pretty nice version of "To Make the End of Battle" as well. I'd put it behind the PC Engine and Symphony Ys versions, ahead of the Ys II Perfect Collection and Renewal versions, and far far ahead of the crappy renditions on Eternal and Symphony Ys 21st Century.
Maybe this is old information but trailer says you can choose between three soundtracks:
1. The FM synth from the original release (in the Music from Ys soundtracks)
2. The Windows version soundtrack (This would be the Ys Eternal music, correct? Yuck.)
3. New arrangements of the entire soundtrack exclusive to the PSP version
I figure if the whole soundtrack adheres to the quality of the trailer music it'll be the best Ys I & II music we've gotten since the mid-90s.
I just recently finished Ys I & II on DS so I probably won't pick this up on PSP (as I don't have one, but when Dissidia comes out I will probably get one - tho I'm not sure whether to get the PSP-3000 that's out now, or wait and see what the PSP Go! offers). A different arrangement of Ys I & II music I would most likely enjoy however.
Amazingu wrote:Wow, and people accuse Squenix of milking their franchises...
Moo? Moo moo, moo moo moo moo moo moo! MOO!
(sorry, been playing Diablo II)
Now there's a great game
I can't wait for Diablo III (not that I have the time)... but there's something so rewarding about slashing through billions of baddies and getting cool gear that makes you better at slashing through billions of baddiess...
and while on the subject of Ys... is this version coming to North America?
I can't think of any Falcom games released in the past decade that have been picked up by a Western publisher within a few months of their Japanese announcement. So the answer is "we don't know, but it's possible".
Atlus might jump on it, given their recent release of the DS remakes. It's certainly more likely to be released now than if it had come at the start of the PSP's life.
(I'd rather have the Brandish remake, though)
also, while I'm generally down on milking, I can't blame Falcom nearly as much as Square Enix or quite a few Western companies....most Falcom remakes and ports are the work of third parties and seem to serve to keep brands alive/help keep Falcom in money. That doesn't excuse everything (like the Eternal --> Complete kick in the pants on PC)
Wow, and people accuse Squenix of milking their franchises...
Yeah, there have been so many Ys remakes that I don't really even care about them anymore, or the arrangements. Well, that's a lie. I'm kind of a curious to hear the new arrangements. For the 39472893th time.
- Justin Pfeiffer
define "fantastic", because waffling between guitars and violin has never done much for me.
Hey if it was good enough for Paganini...
(I'd rather have the Brandish remake, though)