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    Pages: 1

Sabreman Apr 11, 2006

Indeedly. I have a demo of this from the Tokyo Game Show, it's very nice and all that but in the end it's unfortunately the type of game I just don't have an interest in any more.

Still, pretty though!

Qui-Gon Joe Apr 12, 2006

I've got the same demo from TGS (with gorgeous packaging and all), and I, for one, LOVED every second of it.  In addition to its stunningly cool graphics, the gameplay feels really fresh and fun as well.  This was definitely my favorite coming out of TGS2005 (and I swear I'd written up a much longer appraisal of going to that show, but I couldn't find it using the search feature in the old forums).

XLord007 Apr 12, 2006

Yes, Okami rocks.  For those that care, Famitsu gave it a 39/40 (not that I have any faith in their reviewers anymore...).

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