So I've been trying to get a handle on how the New Game works in Uncharted 2, and how things like your Treasure/Medal collection and Bonus features come into play. What gets carried over? What can and can't be used? Will using the bonus tweaks affect Trophy acquiring? Its infrastructure is more than a little complex, but I think I've got most of it figured out.
First, you can opt to continue with your current completed Auto-Save/Save file, if you're looking to fill out the rest of your Medals, Treasures, and Trophies list. This will allow you to replay any of the chapters on the fly, as well as being able to view all of the in-game cinemas. You can use your unlockable Bonuses, including the Single-Player Skins, Weapons, and Tweaks. Using the Tweaks, such as One Hit Kills and Infinite Ammo doesn't appear to affect your ability to gain the bulk of the Trophies, but I can't be certain if it voids your ability to earn the "Charted!" trophies on higher difficulty levels than the ones you've already beaten.
If you choose a "New Game" with a new save file, they would first give you the option as to whether or not you'd want to keep the bonus Treasures and Medals you've earned on your last playthrough from your MOST RECENT auto-loaded game. (Trophies are, of course, a one-time deal; once you've unlocked them the first time, then that's it as far as earning them.) You can use all of your unlockable Bonuses here as well, but you can only replay the chapters you've beaten on that specific save file. Same goes for viewing the in-game cinemas. *Not* carrying over the Treasures and Medals may actually be ideal for monetary reasons, as your total cash flow is cumulative across all saves, and your ongoing earnings would be added to the Store's overall total. Also, playing as a "New Game" completely resets your Statistics.
Amazingu wrote:Also, if I'm going to say only 1 thing about this game, let it be that I really thoroughly enjoyed the cast, the voice acting and the dialogue. Top notch stuff there. The ending brought a smile to my face, and many of the exchanges in the game had me laughing out loud (Drake and Flynn make a fantastic duo).
You'll want to check out this additional video that actually ISN'T featured in the game's bonus features. It's a great roundtable discussion with the directors and the cast. Be sure to check out the other Youtube-related videos, too! … re=channel
Loving the in-game bonus features, by the way. The Behind the Scenes stuff is always enjoyable to watch, but it's the Concept Art that really floors me. My god, these are gorgeous designs; the game's graphics are a sight to behold in motion, but the actual art work that precedes the renderings are ambrosia for the eyes. They don't skimp on the number of pieces either, covering every character and major location throughout the game. (Check out my new conceptual Elena avatar.) This would make for a spectacular art book in physical form.