Qui-Gon Joe Jan 23, 2006
For the record, I've just gotten to Chapter 3 in A Tear of Vermilion (sic) for the PSP, and I'm starting to like what I'm hearing more and more (I wasn't that impressed by a lot of the music early in the game). My impressions thus far of the game are that Bandai did a craptacular job remaking it (trying to get Avin to walk anywhere I want him to is such a pain!), but Falcom's original story and general game design shine through enough to make it worth playing.
ANYWAY, what I really want to know about is the music. I know there was a CD release recently of LoH3 and 4 music from the PSP versions, but I would guess that's nowhere near complete. Does the PSP version use the same music as the PC version from a few years back (whose soundtrack was released early in the Falcom Millennium series)? If that's the case, I'll just go for those CDs. What's the closest to an OST to this version I can get?