HamandSushi Apr 21, 2006
Definitely am pasting this from Gamefaqs. Oh well.
I wasn't going to download the rom until I heard it had a complete soundtest on the title screen. How could one resist that, given the series' illustrious musical pedigree? Don't worry, I'm not going to play it, and even if the game is never released here I'll buy a copy... or three. :>
Well, I must say I'm slightly disappointed, but I didn't expect Keiichi Suzuki to be back anyway.
If they did get him, he's had a severe regression in style. Including the earthbound tracks just makes the difference that much more noticeable.
The new tracks seem to try to continue Suzuki's spirit, but half-heartedly. The ingeniously ironic genre imitations (the hippy music, psychedelic techno) that are not merely 8-bit renditions of classics, but introduce clever sampling, catchy but never trite melodies, polyrhythms, and a cohesion across a diverse soundscape---these are absent, replaced with traditional (and rather corny) game music with some interesting instrumentation and a few songs (especially the ambient tracks) that truly follow in Suzuki's footsteps.
Of course, I've only begin to listen, so maybe I'll be surprised later.