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SquareTex May 12, 2006 one of the comments there said, it'd probably be the first time many of us import from Europe. tongue

...that is, if this is true... sad

TerraEpon May 12, 2006

I actually imported a game from Europe a while ago -- Konami GB Collection 2, which had Parodius...


Kirin Lemon May 12, 2006

Judging by all the errors the article makes (Tess?), I wouldn't treat this as an announcement quite yet.

oddigy May 12, 2006

The article says that it's from an official Nintendo publication.
I'd take their word as gospel.

How long has it been since Nintendo Power was grossly wrong on something?  They make little typos here and there, but they haven't previewed a game that didn't get released in a while, last I knew.

XLord007 May 12, 2006

Good enough for me.  I've imported from Europe once before, and I don't mind doing it again.

GoldfishX May 12, 2006

Same here... I imported a European copy of Sacnoth's Faselei for the Neo Geo Pocket. The game was set to come out for the US, but SNK pulled out before it could get released.

I can see myself getting this, though it makes no sense to not release the game here.

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