XLord007 Jan 25, 2006
So Mother 3 finally has a Japanese release date (April 20), but Nintendo STILL hasn't shown off any screenshots. ::Sigh::
So Mother 3 finally has a Japanese release date (April 20), but Nintendo STILL hasn't shown off any screenshots. ::Sigh::
No word of a release in any other area? Hell.
...Actually, you know what would be cool? Having an English version preloaded on the Revolution. I know it'll only be emulating the home consoles, but I remember reading somewhere that Itoi wanted to release it on the SNES in a limited edition if possible, and wouldn't the Revolution thing be the next best thing?
...Actually, you know what would be cool? Having an English version preloaded on the Revolution. I know it'll only be emulating the home consoles, but I remember reading somewhere that Itoi wanted to release it on the SNES in a limited edition if possible, and wouldn't the Revolution thing be the next best thing?
That would be cool, but at this point is seems unlikely for a GBA game. That said, the Virtual Console certainly increases the chances of the original FC Mother being made available in the U.S. for the first time, and I'm sure no one would complain about that.
FYI: Mother 3 received a 35/40 from Famitsu.
FYI: Mother 3 received a 35/40 from Famitsu.
I normally don't care about what score Famitsu gives to video games, but the fact that they gave Sega's Yakuza title a 37/40 speaks to me. I'm so fascinated by this sort of thing that I really wanna play it! That and, uh, PSM's preview really sold me. I've been waiting for a cinematically fresh game like this, something Shenmue could've been.
Oh, and uh . . . Mother 3 looks cool, too. I'll never forget my time with Earthbound, so my anticipation for this title is astronomical.