Ramza wrote:But come on... you think a game with graphics as good as FFXIII (not necessarily the battle animation, just the high quality characters and animation) NECESSITATE FFXIII's gameplay mechanics? That's just ludicrous.
I'm not so sure. I don't think a remake of FFVI would be an FFXIII clone, but here's something to think about: Do you really believe a company with SE's history would just update the appearance of FFVI? Furthermore, is an update really necessary and would it improve the game?
First point, updating FFVI's aesthetics to be on par with current games like FFXIII would be a massive undertaking; lots people, time and money. When was the last time SE did anything like that without messing around with other elements like story, gameplay, etc.? Personally, I'm not aware of any such examples.
When a project of that size gets going there are always changes. Always. Either people from the original team want to "fix" things they didn't like or new people want to add their own revisions or corporate executives want to update the game to appeal to current gamers. For better or worse, in my experience, that's how these things end up. And most times it's for worse. A face lift would be nice, but I think there are plenty of reasonable concerns regarding such an operation.
Second point, FFVI does feel dated, but are new graphics and music really necessary? I'm not so sure. Honestly, I'd rather just see a straight port of the original SNES game for something like the virtual console, PSN, or the Xbox arcade. Then I wouldn't need an ancient SNES (or tiny Nintendo DS) to enjoy the classic game. Not to mention I could use a d-pad, analog stick, or combination of both as I see fit.
Thinking about a flashy, new FFVI is interesting, but I'm not convinced that it's a good idea or that it would even be all that great.