Angela Jan 3, 2010
Bayonetta and No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle head up the first gaming month of the new year. Both should prove to be awesome action titles. I'm still debating Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars -- it just seems to be the type of game where I'd be more in love with the concept than the game itself. For a fighting game, will it at least support the Classic Controller?
Contra 4: Rocked 'n' Loaded continues to remain on the list of desirable music releases. C'mon, guys..... we've been waiting a long time for our ears to be attacked aggressively. Will this be the month?
The Hurt Locker was one of the 2009 films I missed that I've been dying to see. It's been making the top 10 lists like crazy, so I'm definitely curious. My sister saw it, and she said it was one of the most expertly tense films she ever saw. Looking forward to watching Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs again -- sans the "mouth-watering 3D", sadly.