FuryofFrog Mar 27, 2010
I'm going out on a limb here but what songs would you pick for the definitive theme songs for each team in KoF.
Any King of Fighters fans here?
Art of Fighting Team
After a Long Absense -KoF XI-
Fatal Fury Team
176th Street -KoF '99-
Psycho Soldiers
Psycho Soldier ~Super Chinese Remix~ -KoF '02 UM-
Ikari Team
Desert Requiem -KoF '02 UM-
Women Fighters Team
Sha-La-La -KoF '99-
Hero Team
Esaka? -KoF '96-
Rival Team
Arashi no Saxophone -KoF '95-
Korea Team
The Way to Rebirth -KoF '99-
Benimaru Team
Joyrider -KoF '03-
K' Team
Kdd-0075 -KoF XI-
Best Boss Theme
Trash Head (Goenitz) -KoF '96-
Any personal faves? Excited to see if we have any cool remixes for KoF XIII?