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Boonage May 17, 2010

I'm excited about this new CD. Release date is June 1.

I believe this is the first official recording of 'Dancing Mad'. Susan Galloway sings Suteki da ne (IMHO) much better than RIKKI.

The website has samples that include the whole song.

Bernhardt May 17, 2010 (edited May 17, 2010)

Correct me if I'm wrong - I've only listened to the samples off the sites for the albums themselves - but these albums just seem like "Best of" compilations of previously released tracks; the rendition of "Man with the Machine Gun" seems like the same exact piece off of the original Final Fantasy VIII Orchestral Album: Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec.

EDIT: Okay, these pieces weren't directly transplanted from other albums, but they're REALLY close to previous renditions, maybe with only better (or worse) instruments or recording quality.

I'd have to agree with Chris: Nothing to get too excited about.

Chris May 17, 2010

Yes, mainly re-recordings of existing arrangements, albeit ones usually taken from obscure sources (e.g. Tour de Japon, VOICES, Symphonic Game Music Concert series). I'd say the recording quality is generally superior, but the performances are often inferior, hence why I regard the album as inferior to the original Distant Worlds. There is one true exclusive in there, "J-E-N-O-V-A", but the arrangement is pretty lacklustre in my opinion.

Boonage May 17, 2010

I really enjoyed the first Distant Worlds CD, so I had high hopes for the second. I still plan to get it when the CD is released.

I wish they would record 'You Are Not Alone' from FF9. I heard it live in Atlanta, and on the Tour de Japon recording, so where is this piece?

jb May 17, 2010

I saw this release and was really excited for more Distant Worlds media.

... then I heard the samples and almost threw up.

Adam Corn Oct 1, 2011

Over the past few days I've posted reviews from both myself and forum regular Ugly Bob for Distant Worlds I and Distant Worlds II.

UB finds the first album release "an amazing collection... as essential for new fans as for the ones who have been with the series since its inception", but the second "an average follow-up to the superlative first collection", which seems to be in line with many of the reviews I've read.

Personally I'm of the complete opposite opinion, finding the first release a quality collection but with questionable value to long-time fans due to its many rehashes, whereas the second album has not only a better selection of rarities for collectors but is simply a more impressive musical experience overall.  I can see how a few horribly flawed arrangements (the vocal tracks and "Dancing Mad") could obscure its overall quality though.

Anyway those of you who have yet to acquire one or the other album feel free to have a look at the reviews and a listen to the samples. smile

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