Re: Roll Costume in Mega Man 9:
All it does is changes Roll's outfit in the shop screen?
It doesn't allow you to PLAY AS Roll?
How is that not a rip-off? Especially at 200 Screws? (-_0);
My path through Mega Man II?
Metal -> Flash -> Quick -> Bubble -> Heat -> Wood -> Air -> Crash
I always thought Crash was the hardest, so I always saved him for last; while the other bosses follow a set pattern no matter what you do, Crash HOMES IN on you, and his actions are variable according to what you do; the bosses, they just fire, jump to the other side of the room, fire, jump to the other side of the room! Well, Flash also homes in on you, and does Quick Man, but they're not as powerful as Crash Man.
I've been going through the challenge of fighting each of these bosses the first time, using only the Plasma Cannon, and no Energy Tanks, on Difficult Mode. So far, I've wasted 4 of them. Now, a real challenge would be to go through the entire game without dying once!
P.S. I always thought the Mega Man games would've been even BETTER if each set of Robot Masters followed a common theme: I liked how all Mega Man VI's bosses were all ethnically infused, and the Gameboy version of Mega Man V, the bosses were inspired by the 9 planets of our Milky Way Galaxy.
P.S.S. I, too, once used to think Dr. Wily was called "Dr. Willy," and then discovered that wily was actually a real word, and not that they'd spelled "Willy" wrong. Hah, "Dr. Willy..." that makes him sound REALLY intimidating, doesn't it?
P.S.S.S. Okay, Wood Man's actually really damn hard. You can dodge the Leaf Shield he throws at you, but then a rain of leaves comes down from the sky, and those fluttering little nasties are pretty much impossible to dodge. Add to the fact that it's impossible to jump over Woody without getting hurt, and he probably takes the least amount of damage from your Plasma Cannon out of all the bosses, and he's just one hard tree to cut down...ironic how the robot made out of wood might be the hardest out of them, while the bastard that throws SAW BLADES at you is the EASIEST boss in the game...even easier than the guy who shoots BUBBLES at you.