Qui-Gon Joe Feb 24, 2011
There IS a first print version AAAAAAAAAAAAAH I should've ordered it. I'm hoping my friend over in Japan can get it for me. >_<
There IS a first print version AAAAAAAAAAAAAH I should've ordered it. I'm hoping my friend over in Japan can get it for me. >_<
Bernhardt wrote:...but the whole point I'm trying to make is that it's some bullocksy business......
So Xenogears, eh? Is it good?
If you jump to my previous post (http://www.soundtrackcentral.com/forums … 762#p64762) and bypass the rant, you'll see that I said, "Eh, it's okay, I guess."
Wasn't worth the $40 or so I ended up paying, including shipping, but it was decent.
Seemed more like a doujin, than anything...
I remember the percussion (the snare drums, especially) sounding weak, almost as if they had been sampled...
I guess I would've liked it had it been louder and more bombastic in nature, especially the action-oriented pieces.
The pieces that were originally designed to be quiet, however, I thought were pretty spot-on, though I don't think they featured much variation or improvisation from the originals.
Bern, if you think this sounds like a Doujin you are Waaaayyy out there in left field. (in which case we shouldn't be able to hear you from that distance).
Initial first-listen thoughts.
01 Very expected, sounds just like it should, with no surprises.
02 First minute has a boring slow buildup, between 1-2 min is the good stuff, then just quietly lingers around way too long and looses my interest.
03 This is more like it. Another case of "this is what it should be".
04 Soft and Mellow, but bland enough that it's missing any sparkle/gorgeous factor, turning it into a sleeper.
05 Woo, now we're talking! Very enjoyable and made me crank it up. More like this please, best track so far!
06 Now this has that "sparkle and intrigue" which 4 was missing. Quite Beautiful!
07 Going with solo piano is appropriate overall, although I would also enjoy a mixed version with some aching strings overlayed to add even more bleakness. This is supposed to have everyone crying their eyes out, but didn't achieve it.
08 Skip the sloooow boring buildup. 2:04 though 2:45 should be all the opening buildup it needs. It's good from there on out though.
09 That gentle breeze sure put me to sleep.
10 Start it at 0:48 please, not into solo vocal with no accompaniment.
11 Just like it should be, and another pass would be appreciated. This is the strings & piano combo that could have been used to nice effect in 7 also.
12 Uhhh, not into it.
13 After those earlier vocals already killed my tolerance levels, I can't really sit through all 6 minutes of this
14 Nice as a prelude, but then should have joined in all the other instrumentation too for a huge send off.
There IS a first print version AAAAAAAAAAAAAH I should've ordered it. I'm hoping my friend over in Japan can get it for me. >_<
ya, CD Japan never mentioned anything about a first print... I don't think one was ever mentioned or announced..
When I stop before the last three tracks, it's an enjoyable album. It's just a shame because it could have been a lot more.
Bern, if you think this sounds like a Doujin you are Waaaayyy out there in left field. (in which case we shouldn't be able to hear you from that distance).
My only point is, it just sounds kind of weak, I don't think the recording quality was quite there.
I don't know. The iTunes version sounds pretty great...
Talking about the Xenogears original soundtrack...
About the chants in Xenogears, does anyone know what the chants were on specific pieces?
I can imagine that the chants on "City of Burning Sands" (D1, T11) and "Aveh ~ Ancient Dance" (D1, T17) were Arabic - guessing by their desert context -
and that the chorus in "Wounded, Advancing into the Light" (D1, T22) is supposed to be Catholic-styled,
but how's about the chants in
"Awakening" (D2, T16)
"One Who Bares Fangs at God" (D2, T17)
"Alpha and Omega" (D2, T18)
are those Arabic, Celtic, or another ethnicity?
Carl wrote:Bern, if you think this sounds like a Doujin you are Waaaayyy out there in left field. (in which case we shouldn't be able to hear you from that distance).
My only point is, it just sounds kind of weak, I don't think the recording quality was quite there.
*Sigh* if this were a doujin, it would sound like THIS instead...
Myth sure has better quality than that now doesn't it.
"One Who Bares Fangs at God" (D2, T17)
"Alpha and Omega" (D2, T18)
They're called as Bulgarian voice.
Qui-Gon Joe wrote:There IS a first print version AAAAAAAAAAAAAH I should've ordered it. I'm hoping my friend over in Japan can get it for me. >_<
Linked from Mitsuda's Twitter.
If that's the case, it takes no longer to see a regular version, because this album is out of stock in many shops. I guess it's a matter of different packaging though.
I think the only difference is the black outer case.
I was wondering, which version did OSV feature in their unpacking video then? The regular or this mysterious limited one?
I was wondering, which version did OSV feature in their unpacking video then? The regular or this mysterious limited one?
Looks like the limited one is what they opened. The black sleeve is what makes it the limited version. A friend DID manage to pick up a copy for me and says that it does indicate a first print on the obi.
ah so it's just that the first pressing editions will have a slipcover then? I guess I'll find out when my CD Japan order ships with ltd ed Dissidia Duodecim soundtrack this upcoming week... eeee! can't wait for that one.
Ah yes, it is just a slipcover on a great book style type packaging.
I have also impulsively put a pre-order on the vinyl album... =p this is why i can't travel to Japan... hahah
Review posted.
I liked it. Could have been more but if you'd like a pretty orchestral album this fits the bill. Never became a huge fan of the OST but Creid was decent enough and I expect this one to stick even better.