Angela Oct 31, 2010
Is it DOOMSDAY MONTH already? I swear, they must have omitted some days from October when I wasn't looking.
Ys: The Oath in Felghana comes out swinging this week, and I think I'll be perfectly content with it until Donkey Kong Country Returns hits near month's end. Both look to be amazing series revivals. I've been following the NBA Jam fiasco for some time, and I'm pleased that they've finally decided to release the game for PS3/360. I gave the Wii version a trial run the other day, and it's a Tomahawk slam's worth of fun -- should be even better in high-def, and with online support. Will be holding off on Call of Duty: Black Ops, Disney Epic Mickey, and The Sly Collection for a later time.
Movie releases include Toy Story 3, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, and Avatar: Extended Collector's Edition. To speak of that last one, I did see the eight-minute extended cut last month in theaters. Even with the longer length, I thought the whole thing was still extraordinarily well-paced. It'll be interesting to see how well this new SIXTEEN minute cut pans out.