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the_miker Feb 10, 2011


Anybody planning to go?  I'll be at the Friday night show since I'm more excited about that track list (FFVIII x3!) and the full chorus.

The info mentions "North American Premieres of music from Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIV" but there are no FFXIII tracks on the list.  Any of you insiders have an idea what they might play from FFXIII, if anything?  Would love to hear Blinded By Light done live!  Also, just the thought of a full chorus performing Fighting Fate and/or that Susan Calloway lady singing The Sunleth Waterscape excites me. smile

Schala Feb 10, 2011

Oh MAN... I'd love to go but I don't think it's possible. sad And different playlists on both days! That's harsh in terms of deciding, at least for me.

James O Feb 10, 2011

the_miker wrote:


Anybody planning to go?  I'll be at the Friday night show since I'm more excited about that track list (FFVIII x3!) and the full chorus.

The info mentions "North American Premieres of music from Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIV" but there are no FFXIII tracks on the list.  Any of you insiders have an idea what they might play from FFXIII, if anything?  Would love to hear Blinded By Light done live!  Also, just the thought of a full chorus performing Fighting Fate and/or that Susan Calloway lady singing The Sunleth Waterscape excites me. smile

If you can't go... like me.. ;_;  If you have the new Distant Worlds Returning Home release, the FFXIII tracks are on there, and sound amazing.... smile

jb Feb 10, 2011

I may rethink my decision on not going since you're going.  I can only handle the overwhelming social ineptitude of these types of events with like-minded normal people.

tri-Ace Super Fan Feb 11, 2011

Hmmm, I'll have to mull it over. $65 for the crappiest seats is a bit much for me, especially given that I'm not a huge Uematsu fan, but it does sound like it would be a fun experience. Definitely is plenty close enough to me too.

Ugly Bob Mar 28, 2011

I'll be there on both nights as well. First live concert in awhile and first FF one! Definitely looking forward to it and any forum guys that may come as well.

Anyone want to do a meetup for the like-minded normal people, as jb mentioned, heh?

Adam Corn Mar 28, 2011

If I were in the NYC area I'd go, and after hearing the Returning Home album would definitely make it a point to be at the April 1 show.  FFXIV "Answers" is epic - far beyond anything I've heard from Uematsu in many, many years.

Wonder if they'll do Dancing Mad... if they could tweak the arrangement to include the best of the Distant Worlds 2 and Returning Home version's it'd be just right.

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