Chronoman Jun 23, 2012 (edited Jun 23, 2012)
Just bought tickets to the performance in Pittsburgh on July 27. It's about a 2 hour drive from Cleveland, which isn't too bad. Anybody been to the concert yet?
I've been listening to crappy recordings on Youtube lately, and the arrangements usually range from good to excellent. There are some truly epic moments. My favorite unsurprisingly is the Ocarina of Time suite, which is also my favorite soundtrack from the bunch.
But one GIANT PET PEEVE...the arranger totally butchered the Opening Theme by changing the melodic rhythm - WHY GOD WHY! DIDN'T ANYONE EVER TEACH HIM NOT TO MESS WITH PERFECTION?!?!?! Besides trying to get through that section without punching a small schoolchild, I enjoyed the rest of it.