Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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XLord007 Jul 31, 2011

Does anyone know what the differences between the above album and the original version are?  CD Japan says this is only one disc where the original was two discs.  I never bought the original due to the obnoxious Avex copy protection, and I'm interested in filling the gaps in my Sonic OSTcollection.

XLord007 Aug 1, 2011

Ah, that makes sense.

Adam Corn Aug 4, 2011

I'm under the impression this is one of the more highly regarded Sonic soundtracks.  Are you owners of the two-disc OST happy with it?

the_miker Aug 7, 2011

Adam Corn wrote:

I'm under the impression this is one of the more highly regarded Sonic soundtracks.  Are you owners of the two-disc OST happy with it?

Very happy with it.  Musically it fits right in with Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 but the game itself is a bit lacking.  If you ask me, this game was the start of Sonic's decline which was only just recently remedied by Sonic 4 and Colors.

SonicPanda Aug 7, 2011

Heroes represents the last truly great effort by Senoue on a Sonic soundtrack, and I enjoyed the game itself, too. It was a nice antidote in my opinion, both as game and soundtrack, to Sonic Adventure 2, which was thin on action and long on slowly traipsing over endless maps to tenth-rate hip-hop.
The only problems I had with Heroes gamewise (aside from odd glitches, which have plagued to varying degrees every Sonic game of the last 12 years) were A, Team Chaotix, and B, having to go through the same set of stages with only slight modifications four times over to complete the game properly. If they had pared it down so that only certain teams could access certain stages and no one team could access them all - in other words, more like the first Sonic Adventure did - it would have kept the game fresh. I still enjoyed it, though, and I hate to see it lumped in with utter drek like Shadow and 2006.

Adam Corn Aug 11, 2011

Looks to be all the stage themes along with the team themes, boss themes, and a few events themes and other ditties.  What say ye owners of the original two-disc OST?  Is it as good a compilation as you can expect in a single disc?

SonicPanda Aug 11, 2011 (edited Aug 11, 2011)

Really, the only changes I'd make would be to change the Emerald Challenge theme to the Extended Version, replace the Casino Battle track with the City Battle track instead, and take out the boring first phase of Metal Overlord for the much-catchier Egg Emperor.

Otherwise it's a good sampler.

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