XLord007 Aug 1, 2011
New Rockman arrange album coming out in time for TGS. Here's a sample:
New Rockman arrange album coming out in time for TGS. Here's a sample:
Ooh, ooh, will they taunt fans with this and then cancel it too?
Effin' SWEET!
The previous rock album was kind of hit and miss and the sound quality was ass, but this sounds very promising.
That preview sounds epic. As a fan of the previous Rock CD's, warts and all, I think I'd have trouble breathing if this one is meant to be MUCH better.
We'll see.
The Rockman series has yet to win me over but that track is nice!
Sounds way better than than the lousy 20th anniversary arrange albums. Any idea who's playing?
Sounds way better than than the lousy 20th anniversary arrange albums. Any idea who's playing?
Agreed! That sample just gave me chills. Now that's how a rock arrange should sound. This has way more potential than the 20th Anniversary CD.
Rock-Men are:
Guitar: Masahiro Aoki
Bass: Yasumasa Kitagawa
Drums: Mitsuhiko Takano
Keyboard: Azusa Kato (Guest Musician)
Guitar: Reo Uratani (Guest Musician)
http://www.capcom.co.jp/sound/special/2 … 30000.html
The Rockman series has yet to win me over
*feels Adam's forehead*
Not familiar with any of the names, aside from Masahiro Aoki (aka Godspeed). It'll be interesting to see how this one turns out, as many have reflected already, I wasn't a big fan of the 20th anniversary rock album.
Really lovin' the sample! Definitely keeping an eye on this release.
Adam Corn wrote:The Rockman series has yet to win me over
*feels Adam's forehead*
Yea, you ok, Adam? I'd say you were eating too much crap US Corn, but I know you don't live in America...
Tracklist revealed (includes four tracks from the SNES MMX trilogy!) and the official site has a few new samples up. Armored Armadillo Stage and MM3 Ending samples, oh man!
Tracklist revealed (includes four tracks from the SNES MMX trilogy!) and the official site has a few new samples up.
The Armadillo and Ending samples are marvelous, but I'm not sure about the other, more techno-ish two. I certainly hope the other Darkman arrangement is more rocking, as that's one of my all-time favorite MM pieces.
Ballsy of them to do Armored Armadillo again since it will be directly compared to this somewhat superior version they published earlier (though the new one is pretty good too):
The RM3 ending is nice, but the Flash Man one was nothing special. I remember liking the Dark Man one when they originally posted it, but I can't get it to play right now.
At any rate, this album is a must buy for me and I hope it's the start of a series.
Ballsy of them to do Armored Armadillo again since it will be directly compared to this somewhat superior version they published earlier (though the new one is pretty good too):
I love the Rockman X album, but this is a very different style. I don't think they're really comparable. And how cool is it that they're covering a Rockman Dash tune? More Rockman Dash love please!
Ooooh, I am LIKING that track list!
Although, seriously, ENOUGH with the Cut Man remixes already.
Although, seriously, ENOUGH with the Cut Man remixes already.
Agreed. And glad they didn't cover Wily Stage 1 from Rockman 2 on here. Love that song, but we don't need another rockish one after 20th Anniversaries.
And glad they didn't cover Wily Stage 1 from Rockman 2 on here. Love that song, but we don't need another rockish one after 20th Anniversaries.
Actually after the 20th Anniversary ones I kind of DO feel like we need another one. I don't know that I've ever been fully happy with an arrangement of that one.
Really? The Wily remix on The Power Fighters was pretty good, IMO.
Here's the Rockman 3 Stage Select arrange. I approve.
Really? The Wily remix on The Power Fighters was pretty good, IMO.
Oops, forgot about the Power Fighters version. You're right, I do like that one! Man, I'd love a copy of that CD someday...
XLord007 wrote:Ballsy of them to do Armored Armadillo again since it will be directly compared to this somewhat superior version they published earlier (though the new one is pretty good too):
I love the Rockman X album, but this is a very different style. I don't think they're really comparable. And how cool is it that they're covering a Rockman Dash tune? More Rockman Dash love please!
I concur as well about the Rockman X remix, seeming as that is more jazz/jazz fusion based. Plus that CD is long out of print, so many people might not have heard it before.
Looking forward to the CD amazingly a lot!
If they nail the MM6 Boss theme, this album will be an instant win in my book.
Just ordered it from Otaku.com this morning!
I'll write up my impressions shortly after I get it in the mail!
Hear them all before yours arrives.
Some surprises within... opener track featuring a rap intro with the "Across the Border" rapper from Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom.
Some tracks are brief.
X tracks are just badass.
The "Legends" track gets a little jazzy...
It'll be interesting to see how this one turns out, as many have reflected already, I wasn't a big fan of the 20th anniversary rock album.
Surprised more folks haven't been talking about this one. I admit the album didn't leave a very good first impression on me, but after getting over the initial disappointment that this wasn't going to be a straight up rock arrangement, I ended up appreciating it a lot more. There's a few hiccups here and there, but it's a mostly agreeable listen.
The album does end up being most effective when the rock arrangements are on display. DARKMAN STAGE (SIDE-R) is the main jewel here, as are the the "X" related tracks. Both MMX1 and MMX2 OPENING STAGES are terrific, combining some of the more effective blends of synth and live guitar the CD has to offer. ARMOR ARMARGE STAGE and ZERO are easily the best of the X bunch, and the tracks I find myself coming back to the most.
Unlike others, I don't mind the oversaturation of CUTMAN, but this cover's pretty much a bust. The backing riffs give the track potential, but the lead synth is tacky and overbearing -- this on top of an arrangement that's simply too short in both length and imagination. Same goes for FLASHMAN, its funky toned merits overshadowed by a mundane and lazy representation of melody.
MM6 BOSS was a track I was looking forward to, but I'm disappointed they've opted for a decidedly prevalent techno sound rather than rock; the strains of live guitar in an otherwise rote and muddy arrangement puts this on the lower rung of faves. On the plus side, MM3 ENDING boasts some of the cleanest, most pleasing guitar work I've heard all year, and MM3 STAGE SELECT's crisp and adrenaline-inducing trance galvanizes the listening senses in the best way possible.
I could've done without the Piano Version of Darkman, but while its melody is highly diluted, I'm loving the crunchiness and variable tempo changes of SIDE-D.
And FLUTTER VS. GAZEL SHAFT is just balls out FUN.
I have to admit, I mostly just keep listening to Dark Man and wishing more of the album sounded like that
Hey guys,
The review is up on the site. Check it out!
Got it and I thought it was pretty disappointing overall. Production is muddy, compressed and lackluster...It sounds like a doujin made on a shoestring budget. The leads in the guitar Darkman theme and MMX Opening were good, if a bit on the whiny side, but they are surrounded by a wall of pure bad that makes them hard to listen to. And that opening track? Forget it. Maybe if the rest of the album was great, I'd be more in on the joke, but alas...
The MM Legends track was the class of the album by far. Really nothing I would change about this one. Not crazy about the electronica side of this album, but MM3 Stage Select was groovy and fun. I liked this rendition of Cutsman's theme probably the most out of all the arranges I've heard thus far (not even sure why...it's just enjoyable, but short) and Zero's theme works pretty good for something where I've long grown tired of the original. The tracks where's there's not too much going on in the background are generally the best, I found.
It HURTS to say this, but I liked the Anniversary Rock album more. Ouch!
I dunno, I've been listening to this on a loop for a couple of weeks (minus the intro track which quickly wore out its welcome), and I really dig the Hell out of the whole shebang. A comparison to the 20th anniversary album is downright silly - the guitar on that was rarely even in tune!
A comparison to the 20th anniversary album is downright silly - the guitar on that was rarely even in tune!
I know... It's bad, but the handful of tracks I enjoyed on that one are better than the handful of tracks I enjoyed on this one. If I were to combine both handfuls of tracks I enjoyed, I'd have nearly a half hour worth of music.
When I first heard the Darkman Theme played on the guitar, I liked it, but now it just seems thin and whiny.
That Rockman 10 Image album wasn't anything fancy, but that's probably the most agreeable style of rock I've heard yet for this type of material.
I don't think it quite lived up to my lofty expectations, but I enjoyed it on the whole. I'm not sure there needed to be THREE different version of Darkman's theme on there, and the album is a bit on the short side, but I'm looking forward to whatever their next album will be, and I'd love to see them tackle more MMX series material.
Yeah, Cutman (or arguably Wily Stage 1 of Mega Man 2) is like the 'Bloody Tears' of Mega Man. Good song, but it doesn't need to constantly be on every related soundtrack in the series. That being said, We Are Rock-Men - not bad I suppose. Just no 'wow' factors outside of Armor Armage to me. Looking at the other reviews, everyone seems to have a preference of one track or the other, but a consensus indicates that it lacks the total package.
It also doesn't help that it had some really good competition during it's release date, most notably SQ Chips which turned out WAY better than expected. As a result, I'm kind of ignoring the soundtrack a bit but will eventually come back to it.
Mega Man X - Boss and Boss Defeated!
1UP! band
A band that plays game themes!
~The audio was not very good because the equipment used in recording is not good~
~The audio was not very good because the equipment used in recording is not good~
Yes the constant loud static is hugely annoying. I would wait to record a decent clip before promoting your band.
Also you might want to always keep the "Banda" in the title when referring to your VGM fan band since the name is extremely similar to an existing one.