SquareTex Jan 25, 2006
Looks like it's a day ahead of schedule. I'll be interested to see how it's received and reviewed.
Oh, and Amber? I sent you an email regarding this news. I bet you know why...
Looks like it's a day ahead of schedule. I'll be interested to see how it's received and reviewed.
Oh, and Amber? I sent you an email regarding this news. I bet you know why...
Early impressions I read on another site suggest this is fission mailed. Costs money to play online per month via PlayOnline too.
Early impressions I read on another site suggest this is fission mailed.
I must be behind on my net speak. What does "fission mailed" mean?
Msia wrote:Early impressions I read on another site suggest this is fission mailed.
I must be behind on my net speak. What does "fission mailed" mean?
Never played Sons of Liberty?
Thanks Mr. Tex.
I got a head start last night though.. about 50% done.
I'll of course report back here as soon as analysis is complete. I was talking to the_miker last night - seems like he may end up at 100% before I do. Either way, you guys win.
I'll have some news by tomorrow at the latest, most likely.
XLord007 wrote:Msia wrote:Early impressions I read on another site suggest this is fission mailed.
I must be behind on my net speak. What does "fission mailed" mean?
Never played Sons of Liberty?
I played it, but not since 2001 when I finished it. Is that something from later in the game where everything starts to get wacky?
Msia wrote:XLord007 wrote:I must be behind on my net speak. What does "fission mailed" mean?
Never played Sons of Liberty?
I played it, but not since 2001 when I finished it. Is that something from later in the game where everything starts to get wacky?
Yeah Colonel/GW or whatever says it.
Well then....reguardless of how the game is, I'm sure most of us want to know, how's the music?
Yes! How's the music? I love Hamauzu!
Trying to get any details of this music has been pretty difficult, yeah. Of course, there's been the trailers and website music, which hint at Hamauzu going in a darker direction more than ever before. I think I said once that this may be Hamauzu's Parasite Eve, as that was the like-lighthearted Yoko Shimomura's stylistic departure.
One of the best hints was a couple videos I discovered of the online beta test. I made a quick audio grab from one of those movies. Despite the gunshot sounds, it was pretty interesting. There were about three or four song clips, although the level theme was heard primarily. It sounded somewhat like Sakimoto, and very quickly grew on me. I shared this track as "Dirge of Cerberus -BETA Sample". Did you all get the chance to hear it? If not, let me know.
But yeah, details have been sparse. Best thing to do for now is to wait until Amber finishes her experiments.
p.s. And of course, there's "REDEMPTION" by Gackt. And it's growing on me, too...I don't think it's awful or anything.
XLord007 wrote:I must be behind on my net speak. What does "fission mailed" mean?
Never played Sons of Liberty?
Never played it. So what does it mean?
I always thought it was just one of those things that evolved as a joke, never realized it had a source like that...
Fission Mailed =
Mission Failed.
Bleh. It's gonna be a few more days... um, ran into some snags, hehe.
When does the OST come out?
February 15th.
I'm a little doubtful about this soundtrack for some reason, even though it's Hamauzu. I think I'll listen to the PSF2 *cough cough, wink wink* first. :P
Well, now that gameplay video clips are appearing on different websites, it appears that "cinematic music" is indeed the name of the game. Still extremely appealing to me, though.
Here's one website where a fan has graciously offered some clips:
February 15th.
I'm a little doubtful about this soundtrack for some reason, even though it's Hamauzu. I think I'll listen to the PSF2 *cough cough, wink wink* first.
If the music's gonna be streamed like I'm suspecting, there will be no PSF2s, but a short-lived huge monolith of music that contains all of the tracks.
*growls at the asshat on Share who thought it would be cute to share 4GB of RARed kung-fu flicks and give it a misleading name* ;_; Oh well, serves me right, I suppose.
*growls at the asshat on Share who thought it would be cute to share 4GB of RARed kung-fu flicks and give it a misleading name* ;_;
Dang...that WAS rotten.
...were any of the flicks good?
*runs away...FAST*
Msia wrote:XLord007 wrote:I must be behind on my net speak. What does "fission mailed" mean?
Never played Sons of Liberty?
Never played it. So what does it mean?
Without spoiling plot-related things, the Game Over screen for much of the game reads Mission Failed. At one certain point, the game fakes you out in mid-combat with a Fission Mailed screen, while gameplay continues in the little screen that usually shows how you died.
Kojima plays with the person playing the game like that all the time. The Internet, on the other hand, was just looking for another esoteric meme.
You should never trust idiots on small sharing programs like that, go with a source that is already publicly-confirmed to be the real thing, like a torrent.
...were any of the flicks good? ;)
*runs away...FAST*
Um... well...
It ended up being porn. -_-
Yeah, I've learned my lesson. ;)
*ahem* Anyway...
The official Square Music page says that Masashi Hamauzu updated his journal. I tried Babelfishing it, with the predictibly obscure results. I THINK what he's saying is that he suddenly has some free time, and feels "neglected".
And then he offers up a nice-quality MP3 of that spacey tune you hear on the front page of the music site. (I was WONDERING if that was him!)
No news on the DoC OST yet, but hopefully he'll post about it next time. It'll be nice to hear what he thinks of it.
http://www.square-enix.co.jp/music/sem/ … index.html
p.s. Ooh...go to Gamespot's DoC Section and take a gander at Gameplay Movie 1. Groovy little tune...
*throws things*
All of the game's data is compressed.
I don't really have the resources or the knowhow to decompress it.
I'm really surprised to see this... I really hope it's not a new trend.
Well, there's this one guy who somehow figured out how to yank the movies out of DoC. I wonder how he did that...
This will be interesting. The game requires a monthly fee to play online AND the hard drive. Not only that but it registers with your hard drive. So if you have to replace your PS2 down the road, your screwed.
This is just the beginning since PS3 games are rumored to have serial attachments to your system.
Well, there's this one guy who somehow figured out how to yank the movies out of DoC. I wonder how he did that...
He broke the compression somehow. I read a bit of his blog... looks like he gave up on Star Ocean 3, hahaha. Argh.
Guy has a ton of nifty looking utils on that page... too bad I can't figure out how to get any of them to work. o_O Also, too bad there's no source code. :(
Perhaps he'd be able to share that decompression info, or make a quick app to do the audio yank for you?
Man... this reminds me of when Square started to make their discs unreadable on computers (or more accurately, files were invisible). I remember popping in FF8 to extract a few movies and there were no files there! I was a very ticked person...
Well, you must've been using the wrong programme then, cos PSX MC works just fine for FFVIII.
Well, you must've been using the wrong programme then, cos PSX MC works just fine for FFVIII.
Ah, but when FFVIII came out, PSXMc didn't exist. :) PSXVideo was pretty much all that there was, and I don't think it supported it.
Anyway, I'd much rather deal with a filesystem that's invisible to Windows than have to deal with encrypted/compressed data. Ripping an ISO of the disc isn't hard. The data's still uncompressed. Many SE games still use tricks like that. FFX comes to mind right away.
Just as a sampler to sate the appetites of fellow Hamauzu fans, I've prepared a small treat.
As you may know, Dirge of Cerberus fans have already extracted the movies from the game. In the ending, as the credits roll, Gackt's "REDEMPTION" plays. But then, when it's done, the ending continues. And over this ending is a soft, lovely piece of music that fits in well with Hamauzu's orchestral works in Unlimited SaGa andMusashi Samurai Legend.
I've recorded this music for you. Sorry, but I can't do anything with the dialogue and sound effects.
http://s41.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=37UV … FIP2A4QIIX
FYI, squaretex, screw you too.
Just how long did you expect to go on before people began fighting back?
I'm DYING to hear this music. Blast you, Square Enix for your stupid compression routines!
Thanks SquareTex for the sample. It sounds lovely.
Just how long did you expect to go on before people began fighting back?
Fighting back? That's an awfully noble way of looking at moronic internet flame wars.
Coming from a self-admitted troll, that is quite amusing.
I know that you can make good posts, Dais...I've seen them happen HERE. But more often than not...GARBAGE. Sniffy one-liners do not make for intelligent contributions.
Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to return the focus of THIS thread back to the anticipation of Hamauzu's new masterpiece. Can you take your attitude somewhere else, please?