avatar! Sep 1, 2011
http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-tal … 05319.html
Seriously, what is his problem?
http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-tal … 05319.html
Seriously, what is his problem?
I don't understand why Lucas doesn't just remake the original trilogy altogether. He could do it in full CG and render every frame to his liking. He could even use CG voiceovers and finally realize his goal of stripping every ounce of soul out of the franchise.
Okay I know that I was using this name for like a decade when we switched over to the new forum and that's really why I kept it, but I've never wished more that I'd switched to a non-Star Wars related name for STC...
I don't understand why Lucas doesn't just remake the original trilogy altogether. He could do it in full CG and render every frame to his liking. He could even use CG voiceovers and finally realize his goal of stripping every ounce of soul out of the franchise.
He'll do that with the 3D theater run that's bound to happen, too.
He seriously has no clue about filmmaking anymore. I had already decided to forgo the prequel trilogy but may cancel my pre-order for the original trilogy now.
I find it all pretty funny. They don't like gungans, do they? Well, you know what I'm going to do? Put them in the end of Jedi. Oh, yeah, think I won't? Just watch me. What? They don't like Christensen? Well, you know what I'm going to do? Put him in the end of Jedi. They don't like my ridiculously comical 'Noooooo!' at the end of Sith? Well, you know what I'm going to do?
And so on.
Next cut of Jedi will have Indy in a fridge, Howard the Duck and maybe Hitler. He's a funny, funny man. Kind of sad to see him destroy those movies but still pretty amusing all the same.
I solve this particular problem by not worrying about it. The Star Wars films are easy to forget, especially if one starts to read the novels by Timothy Zahn. The last time I can recall watching one of the films from the original trilogy (unmodified) must have been before 1995 (I was younger than 20). The updated versions annoyed me, but not as much as the prequel trilogy.
Timothy Zahn almost never became a science fiction writer. When his thesis adviser (for physics) died, he turned to writing fiction full time. If not for Zahn, I would probably have a very low opinion of the SW franchise.
I used to think these alterations weren't a very big deal in the grand scheme of things as far as Star Wars go, but I got a few opinions from some hardcore fans and now I understand the uproar. It'd be like if they made Shinji a complete bad-ass for the recent Evangelion movies because the director arbitrarily decided it didn't sync up with his 'original vision'.
I used to think these alterations weren't a very big deal in the grand scheme of things as far as Star Wars go, but I got a few opinions from some hardcore fans and now I understand the uproar. It'd be like if they made Shinji a complete bad-ass for the recent Evangelion movies because the director arbitrarily decided it didn't sync up with his 'original vision'.
For an analogy to work, you need to compare to something *more* generally familiar.
I used to think these alterations weren't a very big deal in the grand scheme of things as far as Star Wars go, but I got a few opinions from some hardcore fans and now I understand the uproar. It'd be like if they made Shinji a complete bad-ass for the recent Evangelion movies because the director arbitrarily decided it didn't sync up with his 'original vision'.
the funny thing is, I used to think Shinji was actually a hero model that ought to be emulated [/sarcasm]
Idolores wrote:I used to think these alterations weren't a very big deal in the grand scheme of things as far as Star Wars go, but I got a few opinions from some hardcore fans and now I understand the uproar. It'd be like if they made Shinji a complete bad-ass for the recent Evangelion movies because the director arbitrarily decided it didn't sync up with his 'original vision'.
the funny thing is, I used to think Shinji was actually a hero model that ought to be emulated [/sarcasm]
Never so with me, but I think Evangelion is overrated anyway. I still like Shinji as a character though, even with his personality. Made the series more realistic when you consider his family background.
Either way, I'm with you on using it for the Star Wars analogy. That wouldn't be different, it would almost certainly be worse.
I know you shouldn't wish things like this but I can't wait for the day George Lucas cashes in his chips, then - and only then - will he be unable to alter his movies. Movies that could have, should have been left alone.
It's like Stan/Kyle say on South Park in regards to director's updating their movies: what it they updated the Roman Coliseum every year? It' just be another douchy stadium now.
That said, I can't blame fans for being in an uproar. I'm not a big Star Wars fan but updating something doesn't always make it better. I mean look at 2004's Wild Arms Alter code:F. All that extra gloss and it still doesn't come close to touching the 1997 original! I recently replayed it after playing the PS1 original and I couldn't even finish it.
Ironically, in the review I wrote for the soundtrack a few years back I mention Star Wars and Lucas' changes.
Hmmm, I can't say that Lucas is a "bad" person. Nor do I particularly feel like he deserves death for changing this movies. I just feel that he deserves grief, and lots of it. Anyway you look at it, for better or worse, he revolutionized movies. It's hard to say where the film industry would be today without Star Wars, and no doubt that the movies inspired numerous and numerous other filmakers, writers, video game designers, etc. If anything, maybe other producers/studios/artists will learn from his mistakes and not tinker with history.
Okay I'm pretty irritated by the changes, but in this thread did we just have a wish for a human being's death for his artistic choices? :\
Okay I'm pretty irritated by the changes, but in this thread did we just have a wish for a human being's death for his artistic choices? :\
If we did, I missed it completely.
Nor do I particularly feel like he deserves death for changing this movies.
I think Avatar just meant this as a euphemism for the general uproar the hardcore fans have made about the changes.
If we did, I missed it completely.
Well, let's just say that "cashes in his chips" doesn't mean he's trading Pringles for pesos.
I didn't wish for Lucas' death per say, all I said was the only way these movies are going escape being changed any more than they already have been is if their creator isn't around to change them.
Looks like Lucas is crying again:
http://movies.msn.com/paralleluniverse/ … y/feature/
Dude, I'm sorry, I'm not a hardcore fan but I don't feel sorry for you - at all.