Nobuo Uematsu composing Super Smash Bros Brawl main theme
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avatar! May 11, 2006
It's nice... but isn't it a bit too epic for smash bros???

Wanderer May 11, 2006
Very obviously Uematsu.

Ryu May 11, 2006
This is excellent news though: "...And as a special service to readers of this site, I can say that the game's music will be performed by a full orchestra."

Kenology May 11, 2006 (edited May 11, 2006)
bluefish wrote:It's nice... but isn't it a bit too epic for smash bros???
Some of the arrangements in SSB:M were quite epic and they fit the game perfectly.
Edit: Just listened to the trailer on the SSB:B site. It actually works a lot better in conjunction with the trailer than as a stand alone piece, IMHO.

Flexar May 11, 2006
So Uematsu is just doing the main theme, not arranging whatsoever?

Datschge May 11, 2006 (edited May 11, 2006)
So Uematsu is just doing the main theme, not arranging whatsoever?
It looks to me like he's only doing main theme composition snippets and let other people arrange them for him nowadays (in this case done by Shogo Sakai). Considering this I highly doubt he'll be arranging the in-game music if you were refering to that.

Sami May 12, 2006
It looks to me like he's only doing main theme composition snippets and let other people arrange them for him nowadays (in this case done by Shogo Sakai). Considering this I highly doubt he'll be arranging the in-game music if you were refering to that.
He has never really arranged orchestral stuff. Back in the PSX days, it was always Hamaguchi. Still, it's definetely got that Uematsu feel and reminds me most of the FFXI Opening, another great Uematsu composition that Hamaguchi arranged for orchestra.
It would have been really interesting to hear Uematsu arrangements of classic Nintendo tunes, but since they're orchestral, they would have been arrangements of arrangements. I'm really happy just with the main theme though.

KujaFFman May 12, 2006
Uematsu arranged FFVIII orchestra album himself, but Hamaguchi orchestrated it. Since there was no other orchestra album for a Final Fantasy game after that, we don't really know if Uematsu would have arranged it...
That main theme is really cool though. I'm glad Uematsu went freelance.

Vainamoinen May 15, 2006
Yup, that is really good stuff. If Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey are anything like that, 2007 might be an excellent year for me.

Schala May 15, 2006
It's a nice piece of music, but as it is right now, I can't see it fitting into a fighting game. Then again, considering operas are often very dramatic performances, I can see a classical piece being used for a fighting game. I'd have to see where this is used.

Qui-Gon Joe May 15, 2006
I don't really get how people are questioning how this will fit into Smash Bros... it's really not really a whole lot more dramatic than the opening theme to melee, which also uses some choir (though without words).