Adam Corn Jan 15, 2012
I was dining at a local Italian restaurant tonight, they had some pretty good hip-hop on the radio and I hear this one track that I could swear had a melody from one of my soundtracks. Shazam didn't manage to find it so I spend the next 30 minutes humming it to myself and trying to figure out where it's from.
I get home and then it hits me - Dragon Quest III "Heavenly Flight". A bit of Googling later and sure enough there it is:
http://www.whosampled.com/sample/view/6 … %20Flight/
Turns out the song "Decisions" is by an American artist Theory Hazit, but the remix that features the Dragon Quest melody is by a Japanese DJ Volta Masters. It's available on Bandcamp to sample or download for a buck in lossless for anyone who's interested:
http://theoryhazit.bandcamp.com/track/d … ters-remix
Crazy stuff.