GoldfishX Jun 5, 2012 (edited Jun 5, 2012)
The other day at work, I decided to go over my Konami Battle albums and actually rate the tracks. The timing was good, as I hadn't listened to them in awhile and the Shooting Battles only had about 3-4 tracks I was familiar with, when just going by names. I'm curious how other people would rate the respective tracks, but for the timing being, here's what I came up with.
Notes: Did not rate the other semi-arranged Battle: The Best tracks or half of Snatcher Battle (It's hard to judge some of the tracks on it because of the mixing...Coda and Theme of Junker were the two standouts, Peaceful Ave and Twilight of Neo Kobe were the two obvious goats).
Surprises: Requiem for the Nameless Victims. How much I preferred Shooting Battle 1 over SB2 when listening back to back. Once SB1 hits Maximum Speed, the rest of the album soars and is probably on par with Dracula Battle 1 (my obvious favorite) from that point. The high point on SB2 is Try to Star, then it has a lot of tracks that kind of develop into awesome parts over time, but aren't standouts as a whole (same issue with Iron Blue Intention). I was surprised how little I cared for the Dracula Battle II version of Beginning and how fresh the DB1 version sounded after a long time away from it. Ripe Seeds and Vampire Killer easily could have been boosted up to 5 stars, but I felt compared to the other arrangements on the album, they were slightly weaker.
As for the deletes, I never liked Road of Enemy, but I thought March of the Holy Man was just plain lousy. Not sure how this one skipped over my radar before.
* (Delete)
March of the Holy Man
Road of Enemy
Peaceful Ave
Twilight of Neo Kobe
** (Album Filler)
Looking for a Fortress
Calling From Heaven
Beginning (DB II)
*** (Good)
Machine Graveyard
Prelude of Legend
Crystal Clear
First Attack
Kidney Stage
Iron Blue Intention
**** (Really Good)
Out of the Blue From Hyperspace
Battle of Battleship
Give My Heart to You
Ripe Seeds
Vampire Killer
Legend of Dracula
Illusionary Dance
What is this Place
***** (Legends)
Maximum Speed
Departure Again
Dog Fight III
Try to Star
Beginning (DBI)
Bloody Tears
Cross a Fear
Requiem for the Nameless Victims
Op. 13
Don't Wait Until Night
Theme of Simon
In the Castle
Thrashard in the Cave
Reincarnated Soul
Great Heli - Ruined Base