James O Jul 3, 2012
So I get this today and what's the first track? Dubstep version of the FF victory fanfare... ugh. I don't know how dubstep ever became an acceptable form of music. parts of the track are ok but the rest of it.... bleah.
So I get this today and what's the first track? Dubstep version of the FF victory fanfare... ugh. I don't know how dubstep ever became an acceptable form of music. parts of the track are ok but the rest of it.... bleah.
So I get this today and what's the first track? Dubstep version of the FF victory fanfare... ugh. I don't know how dubstep ever became an acceptable form of music. parts of the track are ok but the rest of it.... bleah.
Bass modulation is not music. -_-
Wub Wub Wub Wub
[edit]Really, a caps lock filter? Dubstep is always in caps!
I heard the BattleSQ samples today and was not very pleased. Here's the site in case anyone wants to check them out:
http://www.square-enix.co.jp/music/sem/ … /battlesq/
I guess having about 2 albums a month featuring arrangements from the Squaresoft heyday makes up for all the subpar original stuff that's been coming out over the past several years... right?
A lot of the tracks i'm not as familiar with - my point of references are hazy on the originals for Live A Live, SaGa Frontier 2, and Rudra no Hihou and I know no music from Sigma Harmonics - though it's good to see that they don't just rely on FF for these. I haven't watched the DVD yet (I got the ltd ed) but i'll prob only listen to the tracks I know off this album.
Heh, yeah when I heard the first sample was dubstep I knew it was going to be bad. Funny how hyped it was beforehand with some people actually expecting all the arrangements to be metal/hard rock.
@James Do check out Sigma Harmonics. It's a fantastic soundtrack
I normally buy albums without sampling and rely more upon past experiences, but I felt a tingle of caution with this one. When the Japanese name game music name albums, the names they choose are not always 100% correct. With Battle SQ, one would logically expect something like Konami's Battle albums, or at least the Black Mages. I was very disappointed when I heard the samples.
really bummed to hear about people's impression on this. I've only listened to the samples in passing, nothing struck me as particularly good.
I will proceed with caution before even thinking about buying it. Thanks all for the heads-up.
So the saving grace of this purchase is the extra disc in the limited ed version. The tracks are much better and the inclusion of the SQ Party Level 3 Live Set definitely helps. The one on this disc is done by the "Stealth Boys". The ones on Beer SQ's disc have two different artists listed for each so I'm looking forward to giving those a listen.
I listened to the samples on the site and it's really not that bad. I don't know if you're all just overly disappointed because you were expecting some Rock Arrange album, but aside from the blatant dubstep remix they're not that bad. I like it way more than the Beer SQ samples.
Honestly, half of it SOUNDS like it was intended to be a rock arrange, but it sounds like the arrangers wussed out and gave it more of a cheap, electronic rock flavor. The other half seems like more standard electronic arranges (I don't know my genres in the field, so I'll just leave it at that, heh...but they sound like a lot of bad doujins I've come across that feature dance remixes). The only one I felt that sounded particularly good was track 8.
What's wrong with dubstep?
When the first trailer for Battle SQ came out it seriously made it out to be like a rock arrange CD. While some of the tracks are ones I do like (like the Makaitoushi SaGa, FFIV, FFIX, and Chrono Trigger tracks) some of them are just too far off or take too much liberty with their interpretation of the original music. It's just my personal preference that I still want to be hear and recognize the original in the arrangement.
As for dubstep I know it's become popular due to artists like Skrillex et al, it's just a genre I find grating on the ears.