Adam Corn May 16, 2013
I'm not a fan of these all encompassing omni-threads but since film soundtracks don't get much discussion around here I figure it's the way to go. Feel free to post here any comments about movie music from the year, whether from the films themselves or from any album releases.
I know discussions about movie soundtracks tend to diverge into discussions about the movies themselves but let's try to keep it focused on the music. Ain't no shame in starting a separate thread if you want to talk about the movie. Also it should go without saying but be careful not to post story spoilers.
I'll start with Star Trek Into Darkness, having just seen the film yesterday. As is often the case with movie sequel soundtracks this one seemed to be mostly a rehash of the first. In fact the only time I specifically noticed any new music was a quieter, classical-sounding segment in the end credits.
Aside from that I noticed the same cues that struck me most in the original, the surprisingly moody yet excellent main theme and the rousing "Enterprising Young Men" (one of my favorite pieces from the year the first movie came out). That said Giacchino's score sounded a bit overbearing this time around so I can't imagine liking the soundtrack album better than the first.
Anyone heard the sequel soundtrack and care to comment on it?