Angela Nov 24, 2013 (edited Nov 25, 2013)
So I just bought Taylor Davis's latest arranged album, her first catered entirely to The Legend of Zelda series. It's a lovely listen, consistently vibrant and entertaining throughout its lean but substantial 47 minute run time. Track lengths are economically efficient so as to never wear out their welcome, with most ranging in the two and a half to three minute range. Adam Gubman's orchestrations and samplings are a great fit for Davis' elegant, spirited performances, and there's a high-quality feel to the production that isn't always evident in fan-based albums such as these.
It is a bit Ocarina of Time heavy, with nine of its sixteen tracks devoted to such. I was never the biggest fan of OoT, so it's a real testament to the excellence of the arrangements that I enjoyed even those featured pieces. (Davis does some particularly impressive embellishing on the seconds-long ocarina songs "Serenade of Water" and "Nocturne of Shadow.") But it's the non-OoT themes that I'm most enamored with, particularly A Link to the Past's "Dark World," Wind Waker's "Dragon Roost Island," and an especially rousing rendition of Link's Awakening's "Tal Tal Heights." (Which subsequently builds into a soaring arrangement of the main Zelda Overworld theme.)
This will likely be in my daily listening rotation for some time, so I'd say it was $10 well spent. Have a listen to the 30 second samples on her Loudr page, where the album is available to buy. There's also extended samples available via iTunes. About the album's only real disappointment is that it doesn't feature her previously released Zelda Medley track -- but at least it's readily available for purchase separately.