Adam Corn May 23, 2017
Could this be the worst gaming crossover idea ever? Judging by that cover art I'd say it's got a shot. Maybe some gameplay footage will prove me wrong.
Could this be the worst gaming crossover idea ever? Judging by that cover art I'd say it's got a shot. Maybe some gameplay footage will prove me wrong.
More pictures revealed: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news … for-switch
I like the way the character's look, especially this version of Yoshi, but confusingly Mario's face is unusually wide and makes him look stupid. As long as the combat isn't slow like Color Splash... I'm in.
I thought Kingdom Hearts was just about the dumbest idea ever when that was first rumored, and it turned into a massive franchise. Also a franchise that I am strangely fond of despite thinking the actual gameplay is super mediocre. Will give this a shot - the original Rabbids game was stupid fun with friends, but I haven't touched anything since the Wii launch title.