the_miker Jul 2, 2006
I know Angela has done something like this before.. but.. I need to do it or I just won't feel good about myself, plus I'm slightly buzzed right now (happy holidays! )
Everyone who owns a DS (or even if you don't) needs to get this game. This is easily the most fun I've had with a game in years.. possibly even a decade! Seriously. As I was telling Zane yesterday.. this game had my heart racing and had me sweating like mad due to the crazyness of later levels, and I'm only playing on normal (btw.. RSG is evil). I have *never* had this much fun with a handheld game EVER! If you like music/rhythm games or just solid, fun games.. PICK THIS UP NOW, it's worth the 50 bucks or so (that's what I paid) to import it. The songs (LINDA LINDA!!!), the addicting gameplay, the characters, the bizarre little scenarios for each level.. everything.. amazing. PLUS.. minor spoiler for those who haven't played it but.. this game actually made me shed a tear! Yes, for real. I'm sure Angela knows what part I'm talking about and can relate, unless I'm just a big wuss (which is entirely possible, heh). Anyway.. drunken rambling over.. GET THIS GAME NOW!
*goes back to hating Normal RSG for it's offbeat-ness*