Angela May 15, 2006 (edited Jul 26, 2006)
Gamecube Cafe has exclusive Elite Beat Agents gameplay footage from E3, showcasing the level where the babysitter is trying to make the kids behave to appease the captain of the football team. ("What the hell is she talking about?", you must be asking.) The localization is looking pretty tight so far; the art style is similarly bright, vibrant and wacky to the Japanese original, and iNiS is certainly keeping the flavor of the original in:
EDIT: A workable link to the video, courtesy of Youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lufagCtQ … t%20Agents
For the Ouendan vets, here are some comparative points of interest that I myself noticed:
-They're keeping the level selection music in, but the intro story's theme was definitely beefed up some.
-More voices, particularly during Kahn's tutorial, and his "Agents are..... GO!" before the level begins are implemented.
-The elite agents use a sleek black limo, instead of the Ouendan van.
-A lot of the sound fonts from Ouendan had been retained, like the heavenly harp sound, and the "ahh!" voice when the screen states that they "gotta put Tommy to sleep first!"
-The cheerleading drums and chirps seem to have been replaced with a 'thocking' percussion. "Oss!" is aptly translated to "Hey!"
-The note hit icons got a facelift -- now they're stars instead of the exclaimation bubbles from the original.
-Instead of the "fiery rage of encouragement" when a client gets fired up, they get hit by the agents' star influence that makes them mimic their' "do the wave" stance.
-That full diaper/toilet rush sequence is hilariously fab. ;)