avatar! Sep 27, 2006
As for my Zeldality, I enjoyed Wind Waker. I think XLord summarized my feelings well when he said the game was charming, unique, and fun. I do agree that it wasn't perfect, was a bit too easy, too much ocean traveling, but overall a memorable experience. Also, let me say that the final battles (since there are always more than one, and by the way I thought it was fairly challenging) is probably the best Zelda final-battles ever (except for OOT)!
As for other 3D Zeldas, Majora's Mask is still by far my favorite! In fact, MM ranks as one of THE very best Zelda games in my book. I thought the storyline, music, action, challenge...just about everything in that game was superb! As for Okami, it certainly looks great and has received lots of praise. However, calling it a Zelda Killer is kinda silly in my opinion. On the other hand, calling Twilight Princess a PS3 killer might be right, since you can get TP and a Wii for 1/2 the cost of a PS3!