Zane Jan 29, 2007 (edited Jan 29, 2007)
Wow, this one's pretty damn close to home. The date is March 29th. Is anyone from the northeast thinking about heading out there for this one? Miker, you owe me some booze dammit, so you better show up.
Wow, this one's pretty damn close to home. The date is March 29th. Is anyone from the northeast thinking about heading out there for this one? Miker, you owe me some booze dammit, so you better show up.
Wow, this one's pretty damn close to home. The date is March 29th. Is anyone from the northeast thinking about heading out there for this one? Miker, you owe me some booze dammit, so you better show up.
If you go, I suggest stopping by Mark Twain's house, it's pretty awesome
edit: here's a link
Miker, you owe me some booze dammit, so you better show up.
I'll most likely be there. Went to the same place a couple years back for Dear Friends and it was only like a two hour ride from where I live.
I'll be sure to buy you a drink or four after the show Tommy boy.
Who else is going? C'mon all you northeast VGM fans, represent! We can all go out drinking after the show.
Wow! It's really coming to my hometown? Well actually I live a town over... but still so close! And two days after my birthday. Wonder if it's telling me something?
If the weather has eased up any by then, I might go
( :
it appears the ticket info is gone, sold out? Did I wait too long to buy yet again?
Apparently, it's been cancelled.
Yeah. Was just going to say. Show was cancelled. Apparently ticket sales were too low. I guess VGL and Play! have been competing head on in a lot of markets, that is, two shows in nearby venues too close together in time. VGL is a cheaper show to put on, so Play! loses out in these cases.
damn, I hope others come to the Northeast soon then.
it was cancelled? Glad i went to the one in Philly then
still miffed that Castlevania wasn't added to the lineup until afterwards though.
I must hold myself partially responsible for the cancellation. I didn't get a ticket and Hartford is my neighboring city (I like in a mostly dawdy suburb outside of Hartford). Hartford's not an easy market to sell to though. It's inherently a troubled city with some of the worst crime and poverty rates in the U.S. Unless you're fine dining or sightseeing some of the architecture (on a daylit afternoon), then you don't want to come here. My father still owns a cleaners in Hartford which I visit often (my only real reason to go to Hartford); it's not a pretty place to visit like most other Connecticut cities unless you came from here. Talk about inept, clumsy government, people and urban decay...
Funny thing is, West Hartford (another very affulent suburb) is the polar opposite...
Bottom line: VGM music is still too cultist for anything beyond a like audience.