Angela May 18, 2007
"Bambina" and "Kibun Jojo" threatened to destroy my sense of rhythm my first time through.
Check that: "VISTA" on Fierce Cheering officially destroyed me twenty times over, before I limped to the finish. I had that same feeling of victory when I passed Shanghai Honey on Insane.
From what I gather -- and I didn't realize it until Magnificent Cheering -- the city is divided in two. The left half appears to be a sort of suburb and is represented by the Ouendan, while the right half has more of a big-city feel and is represented by the rival group.
Good catch! It makes sense that the location of the final stage is smack-dab in the middle of the city, between the two turfs. As for the stage itself, I'll agree with the both of you that, while the song isn't nearly as good as RSG or JJF, the scenario itself is indeed extremely cool. But crap, that's some level of disaster happening there.... o_O
I'm not sure if it's just because I'm not familiar with the songs yet, but the patterns do seem much trickier this time. One of the reasons, I think, is the introduction of what I've been calling "the bean" (an extremely short, curved phrase marker).
I love its usage in some songs, while despise them in others. For instance, they're a lot of fun in Kibun Jojo and Music Hour, where they flow into one another, but in something like VISTA..... your reaction time has to be quick enough to recognize if it's either a single slider or a back-and-forth one before it launches into the next set of hit markers. Devious.
Finally, I promised I wouldn't let them get me again, but (spoilers) they got me again with "Believe." Sniff.
The stage managed to surprise me as well. I think iNiS is becoming even more confident in their storytelling abilities, especially given the media they're working with. They've always been awesome that way, and I'd love to see them do something again for console.
My favorite songs are definitely pegged; Julia ni Shoshin comes out on top, followed by Glamorous Sky, Real Life Real Heart, Kibun Jojo, and.... Monkey Magic! ^_~