Angela Apr 11, 2007
So, what do you think of the game? I just put the lid on Chapter 1, and so far, it's been a sweet experience. I was a tad put off by the gobs of text that you had to wade through just to BEGIN the actual playing proper, but at least the dialogue is of high PM-caliber.
The 2D-3D flipping is a lot of fun to use, and I couldn't help but say, "Ooh, clever!" on a number of puzzle occasions. The end-of-chapter boss battle shows off the feature in dynamic fashion, and overall, it's just incredibly cool to see what's going on "behind the scenes" in the 3D dimension.
I do have two minor qualms that may become potentially bigger problems later. The first is the use of the d-pad in the 3D world. Is it just me, or is it needlessly difficult to move your character diagonally? Kind of like you have to press down very hard just to get him to move. Could this be a fault of the Wiimote itself? I haven't played any other Wii game where you move diagonally with the d-pad, so I couldn't say. The only thing I do know is that Nintendo has had a bit of a checkered history lately making a proper working d-pad on their systems. (See: certain GBA SP and DS Lite models.)
My other beef is the lack of an "Exit Stage" option. I went back to play Chapter 1-1, and I noticed that you had to actually complete the entire section just to get back out of the stage. This wouldn't be so much of a problem, except that immediately finishing the level takes you to Chapter 1-2. Are you telling me you have to complete the ENTIRE chapter just to get back to the central hub area? I'm not really warming up to the idea of wanting to play a particular section of a chapter, saving, then having to reset the game each time to get back to the central area. Am I missing something?