XLord007 Aug 22, 2007
I'm sure higher quality versions of this will surface in a few days, but for now:
http://kotaku.com/gaming/breaking/metal … 292179.php
Am I the only one getting serious Spider-Man vibes here?
I'm sure higher quality versions of this will surface in a few days, but for now:
http://kotaku.com/gaming/breaking/metal … 292179.php
Am I the only one getting serious Spider-Man vibes here?
Gonna avoid the trailer this time around (and anymore subsequent trailers, for that matter) until release. Did hear of the new boss unit's name, though; pretty cool. :)
The naming convention for the unit members is most intriguing, too. Notice the similarity to a certain other unit? And with "Liquid Ocelot," that's pretty much all of them....
The naming convention for the unit members is most intriguing, too. Notice the similarity to a certain other unit? And with "Liquid Ocelot," that's pretty much all of them....
Yeah, I noticed that too. Only time will tell if there's any actual significance to that.
So, I caved..... and not only did I watch the Leipzig GC trailer, I also just watched the TGS (English) one as well. Both are stunning, but they're definitely spoiler-heavy; TGS even more so, with shots that potentially showcases the final sequences.
The lip-syncing is particularly impressive this time around, and looks to match up perfectly with the English dialogue. Different locales, other than the Middle East, has been confirmed, and from what everyone who's played the demo has said, the gameplay is spot-on at this point. Dual Shock 3 is being implemented (huzzah!), while Sixaxis is being played down a little more. And it's been reported that there's going to be over a hundred camo textures that you can gain throughout.
... I so wanted this game this year. -_-;;
So, I caved..... and not only did I watch the Leipzig GC trailer, I also just watched the TGS (English) one as well. Both are stunning, but they're definitely spoiler-heavy; TGS even more so, with shots that potentially showcases the final sequences.
I'm not too concerned about that. The story is so massively convoluted that it's not like I'm going to know what's going on when playing the game anyway. :-)
The lip-syncing is particularly impressive this time around, and looks to match up perfectly with the English dialogue.
I watched the TGS07 trailer in both languages, and only the English version matches up. It's not even close on the Japanese version.
Anyway, this latest trailer was ok. I have to say that I'm not really excited for this game anymore, but I'm still looking forward to it. At the very least, I do know that I seriously enjoyed playing through the first three, so I'm hoping for a similar experience when I actually get my hands on it. The question of course will be if I'm still willing to drop for a PS3 in March for this game alone or if I'll buy it at some point in the future after it becomes more economical (or perhaps after they make MGS4: Subservience).
MGS4 has officially been delayed to Q8 2007.
Angie May Cry. ;_;
Can't say I'm surprised... I know it takes more time to make games nowadays but you ever get sick of seeing pictures of a game you want month after month and it eventually turns into year after year? Part of me wishes companies would keep things under wraps longer so in some way the wait doesn't seem nearly as long.
MGS4 has officially been delayed to Q8 2007.
You are so upset you are making up parts of the year.
Angela wrote:MGS4 has officially been delayed to Q8 2007.
You are so upset you are making up parts of the year. :(
Goodness, I must be discombobulated.
Q8.... does that cover the fabled Smarch month?
Q8.... does that cover the fabled Smarch month?
Yes, along with Novembuary and Septober.
I'm sure the Q6 release of Mesaru Gear Solid will tide everyone over until MGS4 comes out.
I'm probably the only one happy about this delay, but this is three more months I don't have to stress about buying another system!
Angela wrote:Q8.... does that cover the fabled Smarch month?
Yes, along with Novembuary and Septober.
Decembuary 128? Anyone?
Just an evil thought...That gives Microsoft a lot more time to pull the rug out from Sony. MGS4 is kind of the PS3's ace-in-the-hole and without that...oof! Even a head-to-head launch on both systems would hurt.
Anyone remember what happened with Munch's Odyssey?
I'd give it until the middle of Febrember until anything like that is announced though...