Ashley Winchester Jan 22, 2008
I didn't know to but this in the gaming section or the game music discussion section, some of the questions are gaming related and some are music related and some are both, anyways:
In Final Fantasy VI the name of the first World Map theme "Tina (Tina's Theme)" has always bugged me... I don't remember a Tina in the game, is there a Tina? The only person I can thing of is Locke's lost love who restores the Phoenix esper but her name is Rachel. I've read Terra's name in Japan is Tina though - is that correct?
Years ago on the internet I can across a song that claimed to be from the first Black Mages album, an alternate version of "Battle Theme" Final Fantasy VI entitled "SuGoI MIX" which is faster than the original version. It sounds too clean to be illegitimate but then it may just be the original song sped up by someone using software. A link to a zip file containing it below, can anyone give me their opinion of what to make of it?
File: http://www.sendspace.com/file/h22zyk
I've also ran into a remix of Kenji Ito's Battle #5 from SaGa Frontier that I really enjoyed years ago but have yet to locate where it came from. Can anyone familar with doujin works or remixes point me in the right direction as far as an artist?