Amazingu Mar 27, 2008 (edited Mar 27, 2008)
So I bought the CD yesterday, and I've only had time so far to listen to the music I actually know (so that's only KH and LoM), but I'm impressed. Definitely one of the best Orchestral arranged soundtracks I've heard in awhile, but then, I think there haven't been that many recently anyway
I have to say though, the KH stuff is kinda hit or miss. I was kinda disappointed in Destati, because I felt it built up too fast when compared to the original.
Twinkle Twinkle Holidays is okay, I wasn't much of a fan of KHIIFM+'s new Christmas theme, but Neverland Sky is a very welcome arrangement indeed.
13th Anthology starts great with the Organization XIII dramatic theme and battle theme, but kinda loses its momentum halfway through when moving into the less interesting battle themes.
The Other Promise is very good though, a beautiful rendition of Roxas's theme.
On the LoM front however......WOW, this stuff is ALL win!
I guess the Title Theme is kinda obvious but still very good.
I have to commend the choice of songs though, these are all some of my, and probably other fans', favorites.
Hometown Domina is as beautiful as you could hope for, and even mixes in the My Home theme for that nostalgic feeling.
Colored Earth is very impressive. I would not have expected them to keep up with the original's pace, but they do a damn fine job at it.
Ruined Sparkling City or whatever the 'official' translation is, well, this was just MADE to be performed live, it almost brought a tear to my eye, beautiful stuff.
Also I listened to Somnus, but be warned, this is NOT the kick-ass orchestral theme that was used in the most recent FFvsXIII trailers, it's an entirely different image song altogether, and frankly, not very interesting.
Still, judging by how good all the LoM and most of the KH stuff was, I'm sure Live a Live, Front Mission and Heroes of Mana fans will be VERY pleased with what they're getting as well.
Here's to the next 20 years, Mrs. Shimomura!