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XLord007 Sep 23, 2008

Twelve years later and it's still the best Kirby game.  I've been playing this clip over and over tonight:

As for the game itself, it looks really vibrant on the DS.  I haven't got that far yet, but I put it in with the intention of "just checking it out" and ended up playing for over an hour and a half.  The reason KSS still reigns is because, unlike many of the later Kirby games (read: KDL3 and K64), it's very fast-paced and action-oriented with more fun and less worrying about having the right powers.

Idolores Sep 24, 2008

Sorry, I can't think of Kirby without thinking of that Kirby music set to Snoop Dogg video that's been going around.

Angela Sep 24, 2008 (edited Sep 24, 2008)

Yep, I picked up Super Star Ultra myself yesterday, and I'm liking it lots.  I've only played through Spring Breeze, Dyna Blade, and a round of the Gourmet Race so far, but I've already noticed a couple of changes from the original.  First, the biggest change (and offender) are the controls.  They've remapped the attack/jump buttons from Y/B to B/A - or, you can reciprocate it, and use B/Y.  Which sucked for me at first, but I'd gotten used to using B/Y now.  Still, the question begs: why?  The SNES original had perfectly serviceable controls to begin with.   

And then there's the graphics.  They are more vibrant, though stylistically, it's been changed up a bit.  The backgrounds are looking a little less static than the SNES original, and certainly better layered.  Some animations have been changed up, like in the Gourmet Race - instead of Dedede bugging out his eyes when you've won, he stamps the ground repeatedly in anger.  And when they've announced the winner, he's no longer peeking out sadly from behind, but has his back turned completely in shame.  Personally, I preferred the original in this regard.

Other than that, this appears to be a pound-for-pound perfect adaptation of the original so far.  I do wish they've implemented some sort of in-game save or suspend mode for the main quests, though.  Playing through each game in one sitting on a console at home is do-able, but may not be as much so on a portable.

csK Sep 24, 2008

KSS is am amazing game, I absolutely love the variety of style in the game - GCO, Revenge of Meta Knight, Dynablade, Milky Way Wishes... big_smile

shdwrlm3 Sep 24, 2008

I'm still on the fence about this until I hear about the new game modes. The remapping of the controls is a huge minus, though. They should've at least allowed for customizable controls.

XLord007 wrote:

The reason KSS still reigns is because, unlike many of the later Kirby games (read: KDL3 and K64), it's very fast-paced and action-oriented with more fun and less worrying about having the right powers.

I still love the Deluxe Copy Ability system of Milky Way Wishes. Being able to press start and choose whatever power you wanted at any time was a ton of fun. It's a shame they haven't done it again since.

Also, Plasma was the best power ever, especially if you were playing as the helper.

Angela wrote:

And then there's the graphics.  They are more vibrant, though stylistically, it's been changed up a bit.

Hmm, now I'm wondering: are there any new Stone formations? I think I only ever saw the Mario and Samus statues once each.

XLord007 Sep 24, 2008

Angela wrote:

First, the biggest change (and offender) are the controls.  They've remapped the attack/jump buttons from Y/B to B/A - or, you can reciprocate it, and use B/Y.  Which sucked for me at first, but I'd gotten used to using B/Y now.  Still, the question begs: why?  The SNES original had perfectly serviceable controls to begin with.

Yes, this is irritating and senseless.  They did the same thing with Squeak Squad.  Why is completely beyond me, and why there's no option to customize is also a mystery.  I also noticed that the default Classic Controller config for MM9 on WiiWare is Y to jump and B to shoot (according to the manual), which is also idiotic, but the manual says you can change it (I don't actually have the Wii version of MM9, but they let you look at the manual online for free).

Schala Sep 25, 2008

Oh man, the Great Cave Offensive. My bro and I had a lot of fun doing that in 2-player. Kirby Super Star was a great series of games overall. I went back and played Kirby's Adventure on my NES not too long ago...I love that puffball.

absuplendous Sep 25, 2008

Going back to OP, I second how great GCO's theme is. In the early days of Smash development, before we knew about the Subspace single-player game, I was hoping there would be a mode similar to Melee's adventure mode that had a GCO-themed stage, complete with an orchestrated version of its theme. How stirring that would be...

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