Schala Mar 29, 2006 (edited Mar 29, 2006)
So I've been listening to the Kiss Me Good-Bye single a lot lately, and I finally realized that the music in the English version is quite a bit different from the Japanese version. It starts off with quiet piano, and also ends with a few bars of piano-playing, which make the song seem to fizzle out. There's a long instrumental bridge after the first chorus that isn't in the Japanese version that somehow leaves the song hanging. Also, Angela Aki's voice doesn't seem as powerful.
I'm rather disappointed with the English version. At least the changes to "Hikari" when it became "Simple and Clean" involved mainly lyrics and not changes to the actual music. Now I'm wondering how "Sanctuary" will compare in terms of "Passion."
For that matter, why did they feel they had to change the title of "Passion"? Maybe I'll understand a little better once I actually play KH2, which according to a press release has just been shipped to stores....