FFXII was a neat and fun game. I enjoyed the hell out of the game despite is License System which is kind of like a strange FFX Sphere Grid that included some weirdness like you need to buy a license to equip particular items. A lot of people jump on the OST for not being Uematsu melodic like previous FFs but I thought Sakimoto's take was actually really rich and beautiful. If you liked FF Tactics, Tactics Ogre, Vagrant Story would love this OST.
In addition since this takes place in Ivalice Tactics, Tactics Advance/2, Vagrant Story/XII all take place in Ivalice.
My only things I kinda which was different is that you got more characters to play as that we different races. Fran is a Viera and really cool but I would love to play as a Bangaa/Nu'Mou/SeeQ as well, particularly the Bangaa.
The battling was MMO-ish and the story kind of played out like Japanese Star Wars but ultimately enjoyed.
This is one of those games that massively benefits from the extra power of the PS4. The load times were awful so for that reason alone this is worthy of a replay.
On a side note I am really disappointed that the new soundtrack is not getting a standard CD release.