XISMZERO Dec 14, 2008
"What! What! WHAT!!!?"
Needless to say, my wishes have been answered and confirmed! There's a new Star Onions album coming out in Spring 2009.
"What! What! WHAT!!!?"
Needless to say, my wishes have been answered and confirmed! There's a new Star Onions album coming out in Spring 2009.
That's good news; I always said FF could use more jazz arrangements; heck, the VGM scene could use more jazz music in general.
Granted, the first Star Onions wasn't ALL jazz; there was the one beast of a techno track, and a couple of piano arrangements, but I think the jazz tracks were the focus of the album.
There are quite a few RPGs now that have at least one jazz track.
Phantom Brave: "B-A-R"
Tales of Legendia: "Laid Back Lady"
Wild Arms 4: "Guara Bobelo"
Mana-Khemia 2 and Poison Pink actually had quite a slew of jazz tracks; the previous had at least 4, and Poison Pink, I think almost that whole last disc was some crazy-sexy-cool-smooth-jazz.
And, of course, there's always Chrono Trigger ~ Brink of Time and Genso Suikoden III ~ Sound of Wind jazz arrange albums, but I'm REALLY starting rant on now, aren't I?
Guess I'm just that excited...
The new album has a name: "Sanctuary" coming in May 20, 2009. Tracklist forthcoming...
yeah I saw that on gmr today. Very cool that it's coming!
The Star Onions 2nd album "Sanctuary" website now open (4-24-2009) with samples, video.
The first album was really terrible (only the duller side of FFXI was emphasized despite that good track selection) but as far as these samples go, I think it will end up being better. I have to wonder where the new direction is, though (just upgrading it with live flute?)
If they still hold the concept of Star Onion, I'd rather it be like Ronfaure they performed in an event (I can't recall the name at this moment, but I downloaded it from the Famitsu website), than those sax/piano borefest. Also, although I appreciate that they give one track more than one chance for being arranged, "Promyvion" shouldn't be there again.
The samples don't sound nearly as interesting as the first album, but there's some stuff on the track list I have hope for. I'll be buying right away regardless.
The Star Onions 2nd album "Sanctuary" website now open (4-24-2009) with samples, video.
That rendition of "Voyager" sounds REALLY good...very nostalgic!...and I'm all giddy for "Gustaberg!"
Whatever does everyone think of the different installments of the FFXI soundtracks?
Is each album stylistically different, or would you bind them together into one album?
My reviews on RPGFan speak for themselves. But to give you an idea:
- Other than the "original" OST (the two disc set), the entire soundtrack series to FFXI is composed by Naoshi Mizuta. The original also has Tanioka and Uematsu.
- Playing the game drastically changes one's opinion of the music. I started the game just before Treasures of Aht Urhgan (3rd expansion) was released, and playing the game really shaped the way I thought of the music.
- The original 2-disc set is pretty decent. There are some filler tracks, but a lot of the "main themes" (3 nation themes, expanding areas, as well as last boss music "Awakening") are awesome.
- Zilart (1st expansion) sounds a fair bit like Tanioka's first Crystal Chronicles OST, in that it attempts to sound very natural/acoustic.
- Promathia (2nd expansion) is a really hard one to get into. The most memorable tracks from this expansion are "Promyvion" (which is on the new Star Onions CD) and "Movalpolos." I think this is my least favorite OST among the lot.
- Aht Urhgan (3rd expansion) ... the first half of the disc is PACKED with really memorable catchy tunes. I was really impressed with it. Second half, not so much.
- Wings of the Goddess (4th expansion) has some GREAT new songs. Chief among them are Windurst and Sarutabaruta themes ("The Cosmic Wheel" and something else...). It also has the last boss music from Aht Urhgan, which didn't make that album since Mizuta wrote the song a year after Aht Urhgan's release. That song, "Ragnarok," is an awesome last boss theme.
- "Unreleased Tracks" on the box set isn't too special. Cool stuff on there.
- First "Star Onions" album, your mileage may vary. I like it.
- Both Piano Collections are awesome.
I think the FFXI music has just got worse by every release until Wing of Goddess. Relatively few SQEX soundtracks are better than the first, but at the same time, very few from the label are worse than Promathia and Aht Urhgan. I'm definitely biased against the later expansions as I played FFXI from 2002 to 2004 and quit it soon after Promathia was released, yet I still think I wouldn't have been terribly fond of them if I hadn't quit. Nonetheless I can see some growth in Aht Urhgan in that it's less formulaic (and I think Mizuta has slightly changed his style during these 6-7 years through endlessly repeating ostinato in 4/4 meter), and, instrumentation-wise, CoP and ToA are more varied. Wing of Goddess is as good as Zilart, but in contrary to the first soundtrack, most of the area themes don't sound like being particularly dedicated to a specific location (except for "Griffons Never Die") and be it from Ronfaure, Gustaberg, Sarutabaruta or wherever else, every area theme is interchangeable.
While FFXI is an ongoing game, I'm more curious about the next FF MMO. Now Echoes of Time bombed, and Crystal Bearers doesn't seem to do well, Tanioka will return to score it, hopefully, but it feels like she's lost quality lately (Ring of Fates is even worse than ToA). Given Kato's good relationship with Tanaka, Mitsuda may be assigned as initially planned in FFXI, but not sure I'm happy with it.
I, too, will purchase this one right off. I liked The Star Onions flare for its "other" music vibes though I'd decline calling it a "jazz" album like so many have. I hope this album has a variety of styles and isn't all breezy like the first, particularly some engaging, interesting arranges like latin-stylized "Kazham" and acid-jazz "Sanctuary of Zi'Tah" from the first album. I suppose throwing Gustaberg on there was a given by now... who knows why it didn't make the first album as it was Star Onions debut track.
I'm a little surprised to see Takahito Eguchi arranging on here as he wasn't an original "Star Onion" player.
I'd really like to see the session musician list here (and hoping the unknown flutist will double on saxophones).
I've reviewed all these extensively as well if you're interested in my opinions. I acquired more respect for the FFXI soundtracks with familiarity. While I always liked FFXI and RotZ, it took me much longer to like CoP and ToAU. I'd say ToAU is the weakest and most segmented soundtrack overall whereas CoP is just very ambient and inaccessible. I agree that WotG was a return to form and the music for the new expansion chapters also seems to be promising. Maybe they'll eventually be compiled into a soundtrack too.
I'm not a fan of any of the current FFXI arranged albums. The Star Onions' first album featured unbelievably flawed Mizuta jazz tracks and even those Kouda tracks I once liked make me cringe now. The second FFXI Piano Collections were generic and redundant, almost a return to the arrangement techniques for FFIV and FFV. The first was better but more of a bonus. I tend to prefer Kumi Tanioka's piano arrangements and think they have should have been compiled into an album instead.
I tend to prefer Kumi Tanioka's piano arrangements and think they have should have been compiled into an album instead.
Though I disagree with you on the Piano Collections (take a look at the sheet music for IV and V, compare it to either XI, you'll see an immediate difference in technical difficulty and deviation from the original tune), I will have to say that an album of Tanioka at the piano is a brilliant idea, and I have NO idea why S-E hasn't milked that yet. The album would probably do better in North America than any previous FFXI CD, if only because her presence at FanFests seems to make everyone go nuts (myself included).
I have NO idea why S-E hasn't milked that yet.
I'd call an arranged album release is a fan service rather than milking/exploitation. As such, I really appreciate FFXI (= the most neglected numbered FF) is getting the fourth arranged album despite the seemingly mixed opinions among fans. But yeah, I'm pretty certain you're aware of it and I'm just taking your word out of the context
I think the first PC had a serious problem with its tracklisting. The second PC and Star Onions had far better ones, but I'm still awaiting to hear an arranged album that can express the colorful and lush atmospheres of the original soundtrack and Zilart those colorless piano transcriptions or dry jazz rendition failed to have , in my opinion.
hmm...most neglected? It has 2 million active accounts now, it is historically Square Enix's most profitable release to date, shall I go on? I mean, they're pulling in 26mil EVERY MONTH from that game. That's insane.
There's no question that the most neglected "numbered" FF is Final Fantasy II. And it deserves its status as most neglected. I have no intention of playing that game again.
Wow, impressive. I knew it was profitable, but not that much. Makes sense now I have the sums in front of me!
I'm surprise SQEX still hasn't properly announced a successor yet. I wonder if it might be related to the FFXIII compilation in some way. Oh well, seems like FFXI and its music still has some mileage.
hmm...most neglected? It has 2 million active accounts now, it is historically Square Enix's most profitable release to date, shall I go on? I mean, they're pulling in 26mil EVERY MONTH from that game. That's insane
Well, by neglect, I meant anything more than profitability. They have kept 500,000 accounts since 2004, but for a numbered Final Fantasy, it's definitely the one that was passed by casual users. Incidentally, 2 million is the total number of the active characters (every user has to make more than at least one or two character for storage).
I think it's 2mil accounts, not 2mil characters. Some people have multiple accounts, but not I.
Also, it's most neglected by the "casual gamer" cuz um ... it's an MMORPG. It's a huge timesink and we all know it.
Chris -- speculation on the next MMO? I'm firmly convinced it will be one of two things:
1) the "Ivalice" MMO
2) the "Fabula Nova Crystalis" (FFXIII) MMO
I'd be happy with either.
I think it's 2mil accounts, not 2mil characters. Some people have multiple accounts, but not I.
Also, it's most neglected by the "casual gamer" cuz um ... it's an MMORPG. It's a huge timesink and we all know it.
Chris -- speculation on the next MMO? I'm firmly convinced it will be one of two things:
1) the "Ivalice" MMO
2) the "Fabula Nova Crystalis" (FFXIII) MMOI'd be happy with either.
In other words, if I actually wanted to get in on that action for the first time, I wouldn't be alone?
PS2 or PC versions recommended?
hmm...most neglected? It has 2 million active accounts now, it is historically Square Enix's most profitable release to date, shall I go on? I mean, they're pulling in 26mil EVERY MONTH from that game. That's insane.
People pay $13 bucks a month for this then? While 2 mill users x $13 each = $26 mill gross income is impressive, I've always been shocked that people accept monthly-fee-based games at all...
How many users does World of Warcraft have and how much are they all paying each month?? And how long does the average WoW'er stay and keep paying? (for years on end?)
...I just don't get why people are OK with forking over monthly payments, but it's their money, so c'est la vie!
Wikipedia says:
April 2009, Square Enix announced that the total number of active characters exceeded 2 million for the first time in game history.[3] Previously Square Enix had announced that more than 500,000 users, using more than one million characters, were playing the game as of January 2004. As of 2006, between 200,000 and 300,000 active players logged in per day, and the game remains the dominant MMORPG in Japan.[4] As of 2008, in an announcement for three additional expansions in development, SE noted Final Fantasy XI still has a strong user base of around 500,000 subscribers.[5] Four expansions for the game have been released, capitalizing on the game's success.
I normally wouldn't trust Wikipedia, but it's sourced and for an important article. So I'm pretty sure PQTN is right. Regardless of the fourfold difference, it is still pretty remarkable.
Oh. Boo. 2mil characters isn't that great after all. But it's worth noting that it's an additional $1/month for each additional character you add to your account.
Just posted my preview of the album after a few listens last night and today. The album definitely has a nice sound to it but I wonder how many of the themes will really stick. (Aside from "Wings of the Goddess", which I loved immediately.)
Also posted samples for every track. Don't expect them all to stay up forever, though.
I'll be interested to hear what all of you think of the CD!
Addendum: Slightly altered topic title to include the album's title.
I've ordered my copy already, but it hasn't shipped yet, so I expect to wait awhile. The samples are rather unimpressive in my opinion. The tracklist has a few high points but is otherwise disappointing. The arrangements sound more faithful than the first album's, but they also seem...I dunno... boring. I've heard it all in game plenty.
Now having heard a sample of every track I'm not very excited.
Being a fan of the game itself, the original/expansion soundtracks, the piano albums, and the first Star Onions album (yea, they really haven't disappointed yet) I can't help but feel even more let down than I would have otherwise. This doesn't sound like the followup I was hoping for.